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1. 飛鶴奶粉的全產業鏈都包括哪些內容


2. 奶業產業鏈利益聯結機制的含義及其現狀,在線等

大哥 一樣的標準定義可是沒有找到啊 只找到中國人大的一篇相關論文啊 是關於 農業產業鏈利益聯結機制的

你的牛奶業也被包含在裡面了 可以看看啊


2007屆碩士畢業論文> 房風文:農業產業鏈中農戶與龍頭企業的利益聯結機制研究

Author : / Date : 2007-06-27 13:44

摘 要


關鍵詞: 農戶;龍頭企業;利益聯結機制


Following the development of market economic, the agriculture divides into more and more parts, its specialty level becomes more and more high, then forms a completely instrial chain from proction material supplying, agriculture proction making to agriculture proction processing and marketing. The agricultural chain of foreign developing countries developed early and its commerce operation level was high, that promoted region agriculture development and improved the agriculture economic earning. In China agricultural chain has had some development, some regions have had all kinds of special agricultural chain, such as beef chain, vegetable chain, pork chain and so on, and its contents and forms are enriching and perfecting. In the agricultural chain the relationship between peasant household and the agribusiness firm is the important content of the agricultural chain development steadily and the relationship study has important theory and reality meaning.

This paper makes a summary about formers』 studies. Those are summarized, which are the concept of agricultural chain, organization forms, operations mechanism, the profit mechanism between peasant household and agribusiness firm and so on, which mainly summarizes the form of profit link, influence factors and theory explanation. In the summary, we make some simply review, and point out the study direction. Based on that, the paper brings forward theory bases and theory frame. The theory bases include instry organization theory and transition cost theory. In the theory frame we studies the profit mechanism between peasant household and agribusiness firm in agricultural chain, which divides into loose profit relationship of market exchange form and tight profit relationship of contract form, and analyzes the factor influencing their relationship based on summarizing former studies about agricultural chain. And various factors are reced to institute environment, exchange guest and host characteristic and exchange characteristic, and divided more subsection factors. In a systemic theory frame , various factors』 effects influencing on profit relationship between peasant household and agribusiness firm are analyzed, then theory hypothesizes are provided based on that analysis, and a frame graph is described.

Based on theory analysis and investigation of jasmine instrial chain and cocoon instrial chain in Guang Xi Zhuang Autonomous Region, how various factors influence on the profit mechanism are analyzed. Firstly, the basic information about instrial chain and instrial chain of jasmine and cocoon are introced. Then various influence factors are analyzed from the angle of institution environment, exchange host and guest characteristic and exchange characteristic. Institution environment conditions provide good environment conditions and it is in favor of agricultural chain healthy development. Exchange guest characteristic is the natural attribute and proction quality of jasmine and cocoon. Exchange host mainly includes the peasant household and the agribusiness firm. The peasant household』s characteristic comes from its size, input of proction material and so on. Agribusiness firm』s characteristic comes from its possession property, proction value, profit, number of corporation worker, asset, owes, square of corporation house, corporation chief, corporation department, equipment, scientific research, proction techniques, corporation homogeneity and so on. Exchange characteristic comes from asset specialty, exchange frequency and uncertainty. Asset specialty isn』t discussed singly, but is discussed with peasant household characteristic and agribusiness characteristic. Exchange frequency reflects the degree of exchange frequency. Uncertainty is discussed from market price fluctuate and natural risk. Based on the different characteristic analyzes, the peasant household and agribusiness firm balance the transaction cost and other profit, finally choose the different profit mechanisms of jasmine instrial chain and cocoon instrial chain, which are market profit mechanism and contract profit mechanism. The content of how the two exchange mechanisms operate is discussed. The two exchange mechanisms ince to endogenous transaction cost and exogenous transaction cost, and they are concretely analyzed with the cases. Endogenous transaction cost is the transaction cost, which comes from the opportunistic countermeasure action, and equals the balance between market equilibrium and Pareto Optimality. Exogenous transaction cost is the transaction cost, which occurs directly and in directly in the exchange and it includes the resource in the transaction and various establishments. Finally the earning of single peasant household is calculated, the plant sizes are different in different agribusiness chain, and economic benefit is different.

The end of the paper makes a conclusion. The institution environment of jasmine is general, quality demand of jasmine is low, size of peasant household is small, jasmine agribusiness firm』s power is general, asset specific of the two exchange host is soft, fix frequency is low and uncertainty is big, that all determined the market profit mechanism of between jasmine peasant household and agribusiness firm. The institution environment of cocoon is general and special, quality of cocoon is high, size of peasant household is huge, cocoon agribusiness firm』s power is strong, asset specific of the two exchange host is strong, fix frequency is high and uncertainty is small, that all determined the contract profit mechanism of between cocoon peasant household and agribusiness firm. The two kinds of mechanisms are results of all kinds factors, which operate together, and single factor can』t ince to the result necessarily.

Also paper provides some policy meanings. The different agribusiness chain has different characteristic, so the profit mechanisms are chose separately according to concrete conditions and strives for more preference policy supports. Jasmine agribusiness firm should annex and cooperate intensely, enrich sales channels, do better market advertising. And cocoon agribusiness firm should further perfect the relationship with cocoon peasant household, enforce firm』s drive, and exert the action of association. Finally, the deficiencies of this paper are pointed out, and we indicate the possible research directions for further study.

Key Words: peasant household; agribusiness firm; profit mechanism

3. 飛鶴奶粉的全產業鏈有哪些作用啊

要 不 是這條 全 產 業鏈 , 飛 鶴奶粉 就不 可 能 有 好 奶 源 和 2小 時 生態 圈 , 也 就 不能 保證回 飛 鶴 奶 粉用濕法 工 藝答 制 成 奶粉 了 ,呵呵 ,作用 真的 挺 大 的 喲。

4. 海普諾凱1897奶粉的全產業鏈、可追溯模式

海普諾凱集團已經形成了收奶、加工、生產、包裝、銷售的完整而穩定的供應鏈。每一罐奶粉,都符合從奶牛場到乳品工廠到零售終端的質量控制,並經企業、第三方檢測機構及進、出口國政府嚴格的監控檢查,且率先建立ERP、CDM系統,實現科學安全的全程追溯 。 1)奶源信息的溯源生產工廠必須將每批次的產品生產的奶源信...息輸入,其中包括牛奶收購的牧場,牛奶的質量信息; 2)原輔材料信息的溯源生產工廠必須將每批次產品的原輔材料信息輸入,其中包括該批次產品使用的原輔材料的品種、供應商名稱、日期、使用數量等; 3)生產信息的溯源生產工廠必須將每批次產品的生產信息輸入,其中包括該批次產品的名稱、數量、日期、質量檢測數據等; 4)發貨情況信息的溯源生產工廠必須將每批次產品的發貨情況輸入,其中包括該批次產品的名稱、發貨日期、數量、發往地點等。

5. 飛鶴奶粉的全產業鏈保證了上下游的可控,具體是指哪些方面呢


6. 飛鶴奶粉全產業鏈是怎麼建立起來的


7. 飛鶴奶粉的全產業鏈是什麼,求科普


8. 飛鶴奶粉的全產業鏈包含哪些具體的內容啊

它包括牧草種植、規/模化奶牛飼養(大牧場)到生產加 工、物流倉儲、渠道管控乃至售後各個環節的全程可控的全產業鏈。

9. 伊利股份的「有機奶產業鏈」體系是指什麼


10. 奶粉的全產業鏈是什麼意思國內有嗎




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