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發布時間:2021-02-11 04:58:09

① 0609中級口譯的英譯漢部分的答案有沒或者幫忙翻譯一下吧

任何社會文化通常被分為兩種;物質的和非物質的.物質文化是指那些有物理特性內(如高度,寬度容,重量等)的人為現象.船,機器,房子-所有這些東西都是物質文化的一部分.而非物質文化是那些在人類周圍對其行為產生影響但是又不具備物質特性的環境成分;作為社會組成部分的價值觀,信仰,傳統和其他的一些習 慣以及被人們發現並認可的理念都屬於這一類.當代社會學理論在的時候傾向於賦予非物質文化相當的重要性.例如,它認為船,飛機,汽車等幾乎都沒有我們逐步形成的傳統那麼重要,因為它使他們的生產變得有可能-事實上是在指導我們該怎樣去用他們.當代社會學的重點是為了指出要不是非物質文化可以首先被用來暗示體現在物質文化的發現中的理念,物質文化將不會存在.

② 幫忙翻譯一下,謝謝(英譯漢)不要用翻譯器哦~

Power of high temperature parts creep and lasting forecasting life of the many methods, such as the usual with lasting strength, creep limit data outside push parts of the long-term life method, θ function method, creep cavity classification method, density method, etc. In this thesis, according to the strength of the T91 steel lasting forecast gray properties, mainly by using grey system theory research. Grey forecasting is according to the past now known or not certain information established extended from the past to the future grey model, so as to determine the future development trends of the system. The paper studies in the gray theory T91 steel strength of the application of the lasting forecast. It firstly introces the basic theory of grey system, including the modeling principle and testing method, and then based on the strength of the T91 steel lasting forecast characteristics, using GM (1, 1) model to predict the long-term life, and the prediction accuracy check. Keywords: T91 steel; Lasting strength; The grey system theory; GM (1, 1) model



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