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發布時間:2020-11-25 16:29:17

1. 有關曼昆宏觀經濟學原理的選擇題問題



凈資本流出(net capital outflow)國內儲蓄和國內投資之間的差額 (S-I)


2. 曼昆宏觀經濟學中的一題

a. When U.S. mutual funds become more interested in investing in Canada, Canadian net capital outflow declines as the U.S. mutual funds make portfolio investments in Canadian stocks and bonds. The demand for loanable funds shifts to the left and the net capital outflow curve shifts to the left, as shown in Figure 11. As the figure shows, the real interest rate declines, thus recing Canada』s private saving, but increasing Canada』s domestic investment. In equilibrium, Canadian net capital outflow declines.

b. Since Canada's domestic investment increases, in the long run, Canada's capital stock will increase.

c. With a higher capital stock, Canadian workers will be more proctive (the value of their marginal proct will increase) so wages will rise. Thus Canadian workers will be better off.

d. The shift of investment into Canada means increased U.S. net capital outflow. As a result, the U.S. real interest rises, leading to less domestic investment, which in the long run reces the U.S. capital stock, lowers the value of marginal proct of U.S. workers, and therefore decreases the wages of U.S. workers. The impact on U.S. citizens would be different from the impact on U.S. workers because some U.S. citizens own capital that now earns a higher real interest rate.
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5. 曼昆宏觀經濟學




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