① 經濟學專業的英語翻譯,實在搞不好
② 經濟類專業英語翻譯
③ 經濟學專業對英語有要求嗎
④ 經濟學包含哪些領域,用英語介紹一下經濟學是一個什麼樣的專業
Economics:the study of how society manages its scarce resources.
Scarity:the limited nature of society『s resources.
Microeconomics:the study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in specific markets.
Macroeconomics:the study of economy wide phenomena.
⑤ 經濟學英文求靠譜專業翻譯
ktr ksk ksk ksk .........................
⑥ 想報考經濟學專業,請問對英語要求高嗎
⑦ 經濟類專業英語翻譯,急!!
⑧ 產業經濟學 專業英文 簡介
Instrial organization is a field of economics that studies the strategic behavior of firms, the structure of markets and their interactions. The study of instrial organization adds to the perfectly competitive model real-world frictions such as limited information, transaction cost, cost of adjusting prices, government actions, and barriers to entry by new firms into a market. It then considers how firms are organized and how they compete.[1] Perhaps a most appropriate term is the "Economics of Imperfect Competition". The development of instrial organization as a separate field owed much to Edward Chamberlin, Edward S. Mason and Joe S. Bain.
There are two major approaches to the study of instrial organization: the first approach is primarily descriptive and provides an overview of instrial organization. The second, price theory, uses microeconomic models to explain firm behavior and market structure
[edit] Structure, conct, performance
According to the structure-conct-performance approach, an instry's performance (the success of an instry in procing benefits for the consumer) depends on the conct of its firms, which then depends on the structure (factors that determine the competitiveness of the market). The structure of the instry then depends on basic conditions, such as technology and demand for a proct.[3] For example: in an instry with technology that the average cost of proction falls as output increases, the instry tends to have one firm, or possibly a small number of firms.
Components that make up the structure, conct, and performance model for instrial organization.
Basic Conditions: Consumer Demand, Proction, Elasticity of Demand, Technology, Substitutes, Raw Materials, Seasonality, Unionization, Rate of Growth, Proct rability, Location, Lumpiness of orders, Scale of economies, Method of purchase, Scope economies
Structure: Number of Buyers and Sellers, Barriers to entry of new firms, proct differentiation, Vertical integration, Diversification
Conct: Advertising, Research and Development, Pricing behavior, Plant Investment, Legal Tactics, Proct choice, Collusion, Merger and Contracts
Performance: Price, Proction Efficiency, Allocative Efficiency, Equity, Proct Quality, Technical Progress, Profits
Government Policy: Regulation, Antitrust, Barriers to Entry, Taxes and Subsidies, Investment Incentives, Employment Incentives, Macroeconomic Policies
[edit] Market structures
The common market structures studied in this field are the following:
Perfect competition
Monopolistic competition
[edit] Areas of study
Instrial organization investigates the outcomes of these market structures in environments with
Price discrimination
Proct differentiation
Durable goods
Experience goods
Secondary markets or second-hand markets, which can affect the behaviour of firms in primary markets.
Signaling, such as warranties and advertising.
Mergers and acquisitions
Entry and Exit
A competitive market structure has the performance outcome of lower costs and lower prices, (Shepherd, W: 1997:4).
The subject has a theoretical side and a practical side. According to one text book: "On one plane the field is abstract, a set of analytical concepts about competition and monopoly. On a second plane the topic is about real markets, teeming with the excitement and drama of struggles among real firms" (Shepherd, W.; 1985; 1).
The extensive use of game theory in instrial economics has led to the export of this tool to other branches of microeconomics, such as behavioral economics and corporate finance. Instrial organization has also had significant practical impacts on antitrust law and competition policy.
[edit] Footnote
^ Modern Instrial Organization 4th edition, Dennis W. Carlton and Jeffery M. Perloff, Overview: page 2
^ Modern Instrial Organization 4th edition, Dennis W. Carlton and Jeffery M. Perloff, Overview: page 2
^ Modern Instrial Organization 4th edition, Dennis W. Carlton and Jeffery M. Perloff, Overview: page 3
[edit] References
Handbook of Instrial Organization:
Richard Schmalensee and Robert Willig ed. (1989). v. 1. Description & contents link.
Richard Schmalensee , ed. (1989). v. 2. Description & contents link.
Mark Armstrong and Robert Porter, ed. (2007). v. 3 Description & contents link.
Frederic M. Scherer, and David Ross (1990). Instrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, Houghton-Mifflin, 3rd ed.
William Shepherd, (1985). The Economics of Instrial Organization, Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-231481-9
Richard Schmalensee (1987). Instrial Organization, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 2, pp. 803-08.
Oz Shy, (1995) Instrial Organization: Theory and Applications MIT Press.
Jean Tirole (1988) The Theory of Instrial Organization MIT Press.
Xavier Vives (2001) Oligopoly Pricing: Old Ideas and New Tools MIT Press.
⑨ 經濟學專業對英語要求高嗎
⑩ 「我喜歡經濟學專業的原因是因為它有利於就業」英語怎麼翻譯
the reason why i like 經濟學專業is that it is good for increasing the number of employees.