導航:首頁 > 經濟開發 > 經濟發展與環境保護的英語辯論


發布時間:2021-02-04 19:14:23

❶ 「保護環境比發展經濟更重要」的英文辯論資料,多少都行。

China is a developing country, and in the socialist modernization drive in the process of economic development and environmental protection often conflict. We need to protect the environment of economic development.

First, we must protect the environment of economic development is the essential requirement of economic development. Economic development is to improve people's living standards. China's economic development is to solve the people's increasing material and cultural needs. Born Out of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal agricultural country. Weak economic foundation, a low level of instrialization, in the course of economic development and economic development in the protection of the environment prevailing contradictions. Protection of the environment including the protection of people's living environment and the natural environment. Exist in the city economic development especially instrial development on the lives of the residents have a negative impact on the situation in the rural areas there is more damage the natural environment and ecological environment. The purpose of economic development is to improve people's living standards, and the process of development because of damage to the environment affect people's lives, and contrary to the original intent of economic development.

Second, we must protect the environment of economic development is the strategy of sustainable development requirements. The environment we live in, our future generations have to live here. We destroy the environment of economic development, some damage is irreparable, the future generations of crime. Now countries around the world have attached great importance to the strategy of sustainable development research, vigorously develop the green instry, and pollution-free instries. China is a civilization with a long history and a big country in the process of economic development should also attach importance to environmental protection, to leave our future generations a better living space.

Third, we must protect the environment of economic development is a natural law requirements. The process of economic development, if the serious damage to the natural environment, then we will be natural to be severely punished. Major floods caused damage to the environment are the inevitable result. In the floods in the consumption of manpower, material and financial fear of the expense of the environment more than the fruits of economic development. The laws of nature is merciless, who violated it who will be its revenge. We must attach great importance to the process of economic development in the protection of the natural environment and social environment.

Fourth, economic development and resolve conflicts protection of the environment is the fundamental way to further economic development. Development is the last word. We can not lose the economic development and the protection of the environment, not because of the ground to protect the environment in the development of economic issues before the vine. Way is economic development. It is necessary to strengthen environmental awareness and use our brains. Economic development and environmental protection are not necessarily contradictory. On the contrary, economic development should promote environmental protection. Extensive multi-level high-technology development, instrial pollution-free green. The development of the economy, the prosperity of the country, the level of development of proctive forces, people conquering nature's ability to transform nature will be further strengthened. People not only have the ability to protect the environment, but also the environment can be rebuilt. Desert will be transformed into farmland. Economic development is the way to protect the environment.

Fifth, the whole society should attach importance to developing the economy and protecting the environment. At present many places, there are many sectors of the expense of the environment and developing the economy. This is historical and practical reasons, but look at the use of the development issue, people will be even more profound understanding of the economic development process of the importance of environmental protection, leaders at all levels should establish environmental awareness, from the strategic height of the development of knowledge economy and the protection of the environment , based on the overall situation into consideration in the protection of the environment at the same time vigorously developing the economy and improving the people's standard of living.

In short, protecting the environment and economic development are not contradictory. In the process of economic development must pay attention to protecting the environment.
Because pollution will, of course, cause harm. Earth is a circle of the world. In fact, there is no absolute on the planet waste. All things can be recycled. But human intervention so that the deviation in this cycle, there has been not the cycle of things. For example, the styrofoam boxes years ago. If this is the case, then, is a vicious circle. That the Earth's resources will be consumed End. Well, the earth dangerous. Protective measures should be as close to the Earth's self-cycle. Prevention should do more "farsightedness" and not always stare in the economic goals. Should be from the perspective of the humanities and natural starting








❷ 英語辯論一辯陳詞經濟發展比保護環境更重要






問:對方辯友一直說要環境保護,可環境保護是什麼呢?難道是舉著牌子寫上環境保護嗎?難道環境保護不需要實際行動嗎?實際的行動不需要物質的支持嗎? 在保護環境的過程中,不需要投入人力財力物力嗎?如果沒有經濟的發展,又如何又能力去環境保護呢?

駁:美國(或其他某國)之所以要花那麼多財力來解決環境問題,是因為它們在經濟發展時候製造了太多問題啦!而且對方辯友的邏輯也非常有意思。大家不妨想想看,如果一個人每年要花10多萬元去醫院看病,那到底是說明了他有錢呢?還是他有病呢?(語氣停頓1秒以上) 相比給她更多的錢去治病,那不得病,不更好么。

❸ 求經濟發展比環境保護重要的觀點的英語文章

esteemed debater:
We are discussing economic development and environmental protection which is more important?
Could I ask you a few questions?
I think you should know what makes the Loess [ˈləuis] Plateau [ˈplætəu] into a wasteland now

IT Largely e to the backward economic development, where people can not live a normal life, so they cut down trees to make money and fire
Under such circumstance we had turned a lush plateau into wasteland now
So could you tell me which is more important?

There are many such examples
We often say environment is important than economy?
However, if we do not develop the economy and what we use to carry out environmental protection?
We are all aware of the policy implementation of environmental protection requires a large amount of funds
IN other words,,develop economic well ---- we can provide technical support for environmental protection and material support
My esteemed debaters:
After discussion, we still insist on our points of view.
Now I will summary our opinions.
We think that economic development is still more significant than environmental protection from the following aspects.
Primarily, Economical development and environmental protection are not necessarily contradictory. On the contrary, economic development can provide technically and materially support to environmental protection.
BUT backward economy
will only have adverse impact to environmental protection. Therefore, we must consider economic development as a prerequisite.

Additionally, if we overlook economic development, environmental protection will be an idle talk. As we all know, the policy implementation of environmental protection requires a large amount of funds. The development of the economy, the prosperity of the country, will strengthen people』s capacity to transform or rebuilt the environment.
So Economic development is the way to protect the environment
To sum up, we consider that economical development is significant.

❹ 英語辯論 在中國經濟發展和環境保護哪個應優先


❺ 英語辯論會,關於環境與經濟發展

My esteemed debater:
We are discussing economic development and environmental protection which is more important?
Could I ask you a few questions?
I think you should know what makes the Loess [ˈləuis] Plateau [ˈplætəu] into a wasteland now

IT Largely e to the backward economic development, where people can not live a normal life, so they cut down trees to make money and fire
Under such circumstance we had turned a lush plateau into wasteland now
So could you tell me which is more important?

There are many such examples
We often say environment is important than economy?
However, if we do not develop the economy and what we use to carry out environmental protection?
We are all aware of the policy implementation of environmental protection requires a large amount of funds
IN other words,,develop economic well ---- we can provide technical support for environmental protection and material support

❻ 經濟發展和環境保護哪個更重要辯論詞,最好用英文版的

China is a developing country, and in the socialist modernization drive in the process of economic development and environmental protection often conflict. We need to protect the environment of economic development.

First, we must protect the environment of economic development is the essential requirement of economic development. Economic development is to improve people's living standards. China's economic development is to solve the people's increasing material and cultural needs. Born Out of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal agricultural country. Weak economic foundation, a low level of instrialization, in the course of economic development and economic development in the protection of the environment prevailing contradictions. Protection of the environment including the protection of people's living environment and the natural environment. Exist in the city economic development especially instrial development on the lives of the residents have a negative impact on the situation in the rural areas there is more damage the natural environment and ecological environment. The purpose of economic development is to improve people's living standards, and the process of development because of damage to the environment affect people's lives, and contrary to the original intent of economic development.

Second, we must protect the environment of economic development is the strategy of sustainable development requirements. The environment we live in, our future generations have to live here. We destroy the environment of economic development, some damage is irreparable, the future generations of crime. Now countries around the world have attached great importance to the strategy of sustainable development research, vigorously develop the green instry, and pollution-free instries. China is a civilization with a long history and a big country in the process of economic development should also attach importance to environmental protection, to leave our future generations a better living space.

Third, we must protect the environment of economic development is a natural law requirements. The process of economic development, if the serious damage to the natural environment, then we will be natural to be severely punished. Major floods caused damage to the environment are the inevitable result. In the floods in the consumption of manpower, material and financial fear of the expense of the environment more than the fruits of economic development. The laws of nature is merciless, who violated it who will be its revenge. We must attach great importance to the process of economic development in the protection of the natural environment and social environment.

Fourth, economic development and resolve conflicts protection of the environment is the fundamental way to further economic development. Development is the last word. We can not lose the economic development and the protection of the environment, not because of the ground to protect the environment in the development of economic issues before the vine. Way is economic development. It is necessary to strengthen environmental awareness and use our brains. Economic development and environmental protection are not necessarily contradictory. On the contrary, economic development should promote environmental protection. Extensive multi-level high-technology development, instrial pollution-free green. The development of the economy, the prosperity of the country, the level of development of proctive forces, people conquering nature's ability to transform nature will be further strengthened. People not only have the ability to protect the environment, but also the environment can be rebuilt. Desert will be transformed into farmland. Economic development is the way to protect the environment.

Fifth, the whole society should attach importance to developing the economy and protecting the environment. At present many places, there are many sectors of the expense of the environment and developing the economy. This is historical and practical reasons, but look at the use of the development issue, people will be even more profound understanding of the economic development process of the importance of environmental protection, leaders at all levels should establish environmental awareness, from the strategic height of the development of knowledge economy and the protection of the environment , based on the overall situation into consideration in the protection of the environment at the same time vigorously developing the economy and improving the people's standard of living.

In short, protecting the environment and economic development are not contradictory. In the process of economic development must pay attention to protecting the environment.
Because pollution will, of course, cause harm. Earth is a circle of the world. In fact, there is no absolute on the planet waste. All things can be recycled. But human intervention so that the deviation in this cycle, there has been not the cycle of things. For example, the styrofoam boxes years ago. If this is the case, then, is a vicious circle. That the Earth's resources will be consumed End. Well, the earth dangerous. Protective measures should be as close to the Earth's self-cycle. Prevention should do more "farsightedness" and not always stare in the economic goals. Should be from the perspective of the humanities and natural starting

❼ 英語辯論賽:經濟增長與環境保護在中國哪個應該優先

英語辯論——環境保護 VS 經濟發展(經濟發展正方) Which should receive priority in China? Environmental protection or economic growth. 正 方 陳 詞 : Good morning everyone! We are here now debating about whether environment protection or economy growth should take priority in China, we think it』s environment growth that should be chosen. I have three reasons to prove this point. First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed counties, China have one fifth of the people in the world, but the income of per head is only in 109th among countries. So the urgent affair of China is developing our economy. Second, economy growth doesn』t necessarily conflict with environment protection. We can develop our economy without environment pollution. Third, when our economy strength becomes strong, we can spend more money and energy on environment protection, till then it will be a win-win. In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in China. 反方陳詞:We agree economic growth is needed. But think about the past decades, we followed the old model of 「first pollution, last treatment」, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions』 environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence. What』s more, the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much. By this means, it placed us in a completely passive position. At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment. So, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past. That is, in the course of development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority. Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably. That』s all I want to say. 自由辯論 正方二辯:We all know that in many places of china like many poor countries, where the environment is pretty good, there are thousands people lack of money for the food the need to live. Then, opponent debaters, do you think we still need to develop our economies? 反方二辯:But opponent debaters can』t ignore the fact that most areas of China have solved the problem of food and clothing at present . Furthermore, the level of economic development in many cities in eastern China is very high .But the pollution is pretty serious accordingly. We have money, but being under the sub health condition. Does it make any sense, opponent debaters? 正方三辯:There do exist some eastern cities whose economy is quite developed, but you forget that China has 130 million people. The eastern cities can』t stand for the whole China. We know that environment protection need high-technology, High-tech personnel, and science research. They all need a lot of money, and money is created by economy. I want to ask my fellow debater that can we protect our environment well without strong economy strength. 反 方 三 辯 : Environmental protection needs economy . But we can』t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth. If you drink polluted water, eat the toxic food, can we have a high quality of life? Economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection. The policy of 「returning farmland to forests and grass」 slow down the speed of economic development to protect the environment. Doses it show that the environmental protection is more important? 正方:Opponent debaters have referred the returning farmland to forest policy. We admit our country has paid a lot of money for the environment even sacrificing the profit .But we should still take economic construction as the central task. 反方: admit economic construction is our country』s principle task .But we have to insist We on sustainable development while developing economy. We must attach great importance to the protection of the natural environment in the process of economic development. 總結: 正方總結:Our opponent said , 」 we can』t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth」 .I think what they said can』t come true at present . It』s unavoidable to harm the environment while developing economy. 反方總結: Our opponent said 」 the urgent affairs of china is developing our economy」 .The goal we develop the economy today is to create a happy and comfortable life for people in the future . If the economic growth lead to the pollution of the environment, can we live a better life? The excessive economic growth has caused the greenhouse effect, which lead to sea-level rises. As a result, thousands of coastal dweller has to face the fate of the migration. Moreover, the opponent also said,」 when our economy strength become strong, we can spend more money and energy on environment protection.」 I want to question that when the animals and plants have died out, what the opponent debater protect with the money and energy. If the economic growth delays for two years, we can wait two years to develop it .But, if the environmental protection delays two years, the species will be extinct, the resources will exhaust. The urgency like this can』t wait. So our side advocates the environmental protection should receive priority in China. Thank you

❽ 英文辯論賽[關於「環境保護與經濟發展哪個重要」]

1.政府拿了納稅人的錢,不幹行嗎?保護環境是政府基本職能之一,比個人有更充足的人力、物質、信息資源,可以通過等手段有效的保護環境,所以.. 2,環保的范圍很廣,先查一下,哪些主要靠政府的。比如,對生產廠家排污的管理,垃圾分類處理等。 論證的角度有以下: 1.個人有環保的意識也需要政府政策的支持。比如對環保行為給予精神或物質獎勵。 2.政府要環保的公共設施建設好。 3.政府要用人力物力財力進行環保觀念宣傳,特別是從兒童教育開始。 日本英國等國家在公共場所都設置分類垃圾箱,分類垃圾箱上畫了很清晰明確的圖畫,市民很容易把垃圾正確分類,而且從小灌輸環保理念。如今中國人民的垃圾分類觀念提高不少,但是真正做到垃圾分類的少之又少,就上海而言,小區垃圾箱是分類的,但是垃圾車收垃圾的時候將所有垃圾都倒在一起拉走,就算居民做到了垃圾分類也會最終被垃圾車混在一起,分類也白分,能回收的垃圾也被當作無法回收的垃圾被填埋,這就是政府的管理不到位導致的後果。 3.,個人觀點: 問題是個人靠不靠得住。正是因為個人靠不住,所以才要有「政府」這個部門來統一管轄協調,反過來講,要是個人靠得住,那還哪兒來的那麼多問題。 政府的作用,就是將各利益群體的矛盾進行調和,最終達到環境與經濟的可持續發展。 4,長期以來,我國的環保一直是政府主導型,並且這種趨勢與日俱增。中華環保聯合會等機構一項調查結果顯示,97.5%的公眾都贊成將環保指標納入官員政績考核體系;而中國環境文化促進會發布的我國首個公眾環保指數顯示,如果以百分制計算的話,2005年中國公眾環保指數得分為68.05分。綜合兩組數據不難看出,公眾對環保的關注度很高,但參與度不強。 誰都希望有一個良好的生存環境,「全民環保」抑或是達及這一目標最好的方式。如果說「搭便車」現象使得公眾在環保自覺方面容易產生惰性的話,公民環境權行使與救濟的缺陷,則又使這一惰性變成了「麻木症」。 其實,將環境權列為現代法治國家公民的基本權利,已經成為國際社會的普遍共識。面臨日益嚴重的環境問題,固然需要公權力強勢介入,亦需要更多地藉助私權利。通過立法明確公民的環境權,並通過一系列制度安排,確保此項權利行使與救濟的順利實現,不僅為公權力的行使提供廣泛的民意支持,更可依託廣泛的私權利,無時不在、無處不在地監督和制約公權力的作為與不作為。如此多管齊下,環境問題的有效緩解將是可以期待的。 通過立法明確公民的環境權,標志著主管部門管理理念和管理方式的重大轉變:由單一的部門行政管理,轉向高調支持公眾參與,切實賦予公民環境權,以形成主管部門、公眾與NGO組織多方良性互動的格局。 這一格局的最終成型,不僅將為往昔稍顯突兀和孤單的「環保風暴」提供強有力的支撐,更重要的是,環境保護問題有望迎來實質性的變革。 5,保護環境,首先要在觀念上有意識。沱江污染事故發生後,四川省有關負責人反思道:這些污染現象表現在企業,但其根源還是在政府。企業之所以如此肆無忌憚,正是地方政府一味的追求經濟發展,忽視環境保護工作的結果。如果政府注意保護環境,將成為環境保護的最大動力。 其次,保護環境還要有好的管理體制。中國在國家財政能力有限的情況下,充分發揮政府的主導作用,通過制定法律,完善政策,增強機構,加大執法力度,健全監測體系,改善技術能力和多方面籌資等多項措施,在保護環境方面取得了成效。政府對於環境保護的主導作用是中國實施可持續發展戰略中總結出來的最重要啟示。 再次,保護環境還需要科技強有力的支持。由於技術有限,群眾發現環境受到污染在一定程度上要比政府落後。2005年11月13日,吉林省境內中石油吉化公司雙苯廠胺苯車間發生爆炸,百噸苯類污染物流入松花江。環保部門次日即檢測出水體苯超標,但是,松花江流域的群眾在距污染發生10日以後才知道事件。 最後,立法 、執法也是保護環境的有力措施。《環境保護產品認定管理暫行辦法》產生於計劃經濟時代,有些規定與WTO原則不符合。自我國加入WTO後,為適應入時的形勢要求,國家環保總局對原《環境保護產品認定管理暫行辦法》進行了修訂。試問,這些群眾能辦到嗎? 6,之後才有人們的普遍環保意識的提升,所以說環境保護主要靠政府,或者說個人意識的上升是政府動作的良好結果,也是環境保護最終取得成功的一個可能階段,但是如果把一個中間階段當成對一件事情的主要決定因素就以點蓋面,以偏概全了,所以說我們的觀點是環境保護需要整個社會的共同努力才能最終取得良好的結果,但是環境保護主要是依靠政府! 7,有意引導對方走入誤區,力爭讓聽眾覺得他們的觀點是「要依靠個人」而不是「依靠群眾」,我們可以准備一些攻擊個人英雄主義的論據和例子,會派上用場的;當然如果對方不中計,那麼你們就從法律的強制性方面多談談吧。 8,歷數中國亂砍亂伐事件,沒有政府幹預,沒有出台相應的制度法律,那麼這種現象將延續;(法律) 9,環境保護主要靠政府從三北防護林,到黃河的綜合治理;從沙漠綠洲工程到汽車尾氣排量的限制;處處都有政府手段在大顯身手,政府手段就像一根無形的繩索,將分散在民眾中的力量積聚起來,使其最大限度的發揮力量,政府手段不僅能夠在治理方面佔主要作用,還在保持環境方面有巨大作用。而民眾意識呢,由於其先天不足,具有鬆散性,從古至今,公眾意識不能形成足夠大的約束力,退一萬步來說,即使絕大多數的人都很自覺了,也能抑制少部分污染,卻對主要污染源無能為力。環境保護是一項復雜的系統工程,涉及面廣,只有政府能多方面地協調;其次,要堅持可持續性發展,就要經濟與環保並行,就要解決吃飯和資金的問題,這只有政府能辦到;再次,政府可以整合人力和財力資源,使其達到效益最優化;再次,環境保護需要全球化,全球化需要政府出面;最後,環境保護中政府的立法、監督具有更強的執行力。所以,我們堅信環境保護政府這一倚天長劍 10.,環保需要: 錢--要政府 人力---需要政府 制度---需要人大,還是政府 稅收調控---需要制度,還是政府 宣傳---費用,還是要政府 國際合作---要有組織,還是政府 11,群眾是由個人組成,但個人不能代表群眾,否則就是個人英雄主義 12,反方一辯則指出,環境問題的根本矛盾在於人口密集,群眾環保意識差;而解決環境問題的根本方法在於群眾積極參與到環保行動中來。反方舉例,德國使用垃圾分類回收箱很成功,是因為德國群眾的環保意識好;而中國使用垃圾分類回收箱效果不好,是因為群眾環保意識差。反方還舉出淮河治理的例子,說明群眾的環保意識比政府撥款更重要。最後,反方歸納政府、群眾二著在環保中的關系——政府起組織、監督的作用,只能治標,為外因;群眾是行動主體,能治本,為內因。反方雖然注意了群眾與政府的比較,但本身的立論框架過於簡單。 在盤問、駁論環節,雙方首先就反方在立論中舉出的例子展開攻防,正方說德國、中國都使用分類垃圾箱卻結果不同,是因為雙方國情不同,這顯然是政府的事情(這個推論有問題,但反方沒有追究)。反方又舉出生活垃圾、環保標志、環保教育等例子,而正方卻一直在說,所有的環保行為缺少了政府的參與,都是不行的 13,火車跑的快,全憑車頭帶。環境保護,是指對自然環境實施的保護,自然環境是一個廣義的概念,包括人類置身其中的整個環境。政府手段是指作為社會管理主導力量的政府採取的保護環境的一系列行為和措施。環境保護要得以有效的可持續的實現,主要靠政府手段。 14,第一,政府作為社會管理的主體,它有權利有義務對它管理的客體履行相關職責。自然環境是這個客體中的組成部分,政府對自然環境的保護責無旁貸。 第二,政府有能力對自然環境進行保護,而且政府保護手段發揮的作用是巨大而無可代替的第三,政府在輿論上可以發揮其杠桿作用,營造全社會都來進行環境保護的濃郁氛圍。第四,只有政府手段才能實現環境保護的科學化,並形成可持續發展的局面

❾ 「經濟發展比環境保護更重要」的英文辯論稿,急求!




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