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1. 國際貿易實務英語翻譯成中文


2. 國際貿易實務翻譯

對於大多數類型的貨物,運費是按貨物重量,體積,或按重量或體積來計算的(「每運費噸W / M根據船方選擇」)。

3. 國際貿易實務英語翻譯

英語翻譯:International Trade Practice
adj.國際的; 兩國(或以上)國家的; 超越國界的; 國際關系的;
n.國際組織; 國際體育比賽; 外國居留者; 國際股票;
Now it's time for our regular look at the world of international sport.
n.貿易; 行業; 買賣; <美>顧客;
vt.& vi.交易,經商;
vt.交換; 經營…交易,做…的買賣;
vi.貿易; 買賣; 以物易物;
Argentina has lifted all restrictions on Trade and visas are about to be abolished.
n.實踐; 練習; 慣例; (醫生或律師的)業務;
vi.練習; 實習; 實行; 慣常地進行;
vt.練習; 執業; 實行,實踐; 慣常地進行;
This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.

4. 國際貿易實務,匯票句子翻譯 ,英語看不懂

這是一式兩份匯票的第二聯,其中At ______ sight 意思是:付款時間;this SECOND BILL of EXCHANGE ( first of the same tenor and date unpaid )意思是: 付二不付一;pay to the order of 是指:受款人,;he sum of是:匯票金額;Drawn under 是:出票條款;To是:付款人。

5. 國際貿易實務英語版翻譯成中文

( 1 )定義
打開帳戶的安排,其中信貸的范圍擴大到個人,商號,公司或其他法律實體的基礎上的估算,一般的支付能力, asdistinguished從信貸isextended和支持的一份說明,抵押或其他正式的書面證據的負債。
( 2 )程序的使用開放帳戶
開戶是很簡單use.First ,賣方急件貨物。然後,他發出的發票給買受人,並等待付款的buyer.When派出貨物,貨物的titleto轉讓給買方從賣方。
通常情況下,賣方將規定期限內規定的付款作出。例如, 2/10means ,買方可以採取百分之二了發票金額支付,如果他在10天內,並充分n/30意味著發票價值,必須在一個月內支付。

6. 關於幾個漢譯英的句子翻譯(國際貿易實務英語)高分請高手來解答。急!!!!!!

1. Packing: goods should have moistureproof, corrosion, shockproof and suitable for packing of YuYuanYang transport goods e to improper packing, the goods caused by the seller shall be responsible and loss. The seller shall not fade in each package marked with the color measurement, gross weight, net weight, and "moisture", "handle with care".

2 for CFR terms: the sellers shall be stipulated in the contract, the goods within the time as by the port of loading to China port, shipping directly without consent of housing in the ship.

3 shipment advice of shipment: immediately after completion, the seller notifies the house with contract number, name of goods, quantity or weight loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of shipment, sailing date and port of destination. Due to the seller does not give the advice of shipment cable to buy be unable to arrange insurance in time, the occurrence of the sellers shall be responsible for all the losses.

4 seller with the following documents to the negotiating bank payment payment:
Made out to order, blank endorsed in blank set of clean on board ocean bills of lading
Signed invoice, indicating contract number 5 shipment wharf.
Indicate the size of the packing list/weight sheet 2

5 commodities inspection: it is mutually agreed that the manufacturer of quality and quantity or weight inspection certificate as payment negotiation bank payment to the seller is one of the documents.

6: e to the force majeure generally recognized as force majeure causes not delay delivery or non-delivery of the goods, the seller liable. But the seller shall advise immediately, when the accident happened in the house.

7 all from the execution of this contract, both parties concerned dispute shall be settled through friendly consultations. If no settlement can be reached between, the dispute shall be submitted to the China council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration to the foreign trade arbitration commission.

7. 國際貿易實務 英文翻譯 幫幫忙啊

1 貿易保護主義是指故意使用或者鼓勵使用進口限制措施以保護本國相對低效的生產者與國外生產者成功競爭
2 保護性稅則是指對進口產品強制徵收關稅,從而是其比本國產品更加昂貴,藉此使本國產品具有價格優勢。
3 即使一個國家生產任何東西都有絕對優勢,貿易還是有利可圖的,因為這個國家會放棄那些生產效率相對低下的來保障高效率的產品生產。
4 在運費到付或者運費保險費到付的運輸方式下,「承運人」「承運人」是指在運輸合同中,承擔履行或辦理履行鐵路、公路、航空、海洋、內河運輸或多式聯運義務的人。
5 在FOB運輸方式下,賣方把符合合同規定的貨物運至指定裝運港將貨物裝上買方指定的船舶。

8. 求國際貿易實務英文版的課文翻譯和課後答案


9. 請幫我翻譯有關國際貿易實務的句子~

1.我們已經收到你的7月1日的信,關於貨物中最最好條款 enquring這個單詞是打錯了嗎?
3.勉強地強迫說, 您的鈔票失敗的收據在星期一以前其次, 我們必須求助對法律訴訟為它的補救
4.I believe firmly can be competent any transaction, and can be rapid, the economy and causes any ordering which you satisfiedly carries out accepts, sincerely this requests earnestly your help or friendship
5.Regarding the your firm in the future ordering, we guaranteed gives the best quality the service.
6.If this actual price term of validity is five days, this business possibly can be more powerful.



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