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㈠ 英語專業的國際貿易和商務翻譯有什麼區別啊



㈡ 國際貿易相關翻譯,請翻譯成中文

1 ,要明白為什麼個別企業應國際貿易將有助於理解為什麼國家從貿易中受益。這兩個國家的貿易和商業的看法時,他們的優勢在生產的某些產品或服務。這個概念的優點是最好的理解,考慮的假設情況。

2 ,進行實證研究的夫很快在第二次世界大戰後表明,專業化進程,例如,美國並不符合什麼居屋預測(這是一再發現在後來的研究) 。凡自由貿易應該引起美國人越來越多地集中於生產相對香港特別行政區atively資本密集型商品-貨物在美國有比較優勢香港特別行政區標簽-這似乎沒有發生的事情在實踐中,美國進口的比較資本密集的商品而不是出口。從那時起,人們談論的夫悖論。有人指出,三個因素的生產需要加以區別:人力資本以及勞動力和資本。人力資本投資是指香港特別行政區的勞動精神通過教育,從而改變了高質量的勞動力。事實上,美國出口相對密集-密集型商品可以解釋的事實,主要是人力資本的關注。

㈢ 國際貿易怎麼翻譯

international trade

㈣ 國際經濟與貿易專業各科目的英文翻譯


毛概:Mao Ze Dong's Theory introction
鄧論:Deng Xiaoping Theory


國際貿易單證製作 International Trade Documentation
貿易談判口語 Spoken Language of Trade Negotiation
國際經濟合作 International economy and Cooperation
經營與推銷技巧 Management and Marketing Skills
國際經濟與貿易專業導論 Introction to Major of International Economy & Trade
政治經濟學 Political Economics
西方經濟學 Economics
國際經濟學 International Economics
基礎會計 Basic Accounting
財政學(II) Finance (Ⅱ)
統計學(I) Statistics(I)
貨幣銀行學(II) Economics of Money & Banking(II)
經濟法 Economic Laws
國際貿易(I) International Trade (Ⅰ)
管理學(II) Management (Ⅱ)
國際貿易實務(I) Practices of International Trade (Ⅰ)
市場營銷(II) Marketing (Ⅱ)
國際金融 International Finance
電子商務 Electronic Commerce
外貿英語函電 English Communication in Foreign Trade
外貿英語合同 Contracts for Foreign Economic Relations & Trade
計量經濟學 Econometrics
管理信息系統(I) Management Information System(I)
跨國公司經營 Transnational Corporation Operation
世界經濟概論 Introction to World Economies
國際稅收 International Taxation
國際商法(I) International Business laws(I)
商務英語 Business English
報關與跟單實務 Practice on Custom Declaration & Documentary
國際結算 International Settlement
商務談判 Business Negotiation
商務禮儀 Business Etiquette
企業戰略管理(II) Enterprise Strategic Management (Ⅱ)
國際市場營銷 International Marketing
廣告學 Advertising
外匯業務與管理(II) FOREX Operation & Management(II)
財務會計(Ⅲ) Financial Accounting(Ⅲ)
國際經濟與貿易前沿專題 Special Topics on International Economy & Trade
WTO(貿易)專題 Special Topics on WTO
粵港台經濟專題 Special Topics on Guangdong HongKong & Taiwan
珠江三角洲經濟專題 Special Topics on Pear River Delta Region economy
稅收籌劃與實務 Revenue Planning and Practice
跨國公司經營模擬 International Operations Simulation
中級經濟學 Secondary Economics
進出口業務模擬 Operation Simulation on Import and Expor
財務管理(II) Financial Management (Ⅱ)
國際工商管理 International Business Management
國際關系與政治 International Relationship and Politics
國際會計 International Accounting
國際貨物買賣合同 Contract of International Goods Sales
國際技術貿易 International Technology Trade
國際結算 International Settlement
國際金融 International Finance
國際金融市場 International Financial Market
國際經濟合作概論 International Economic Cooperation
國際經濟合作原理 Principles of International Economic Cooperation
國際經濟組織 International Economic Organizations
國際經營管理 International Business Management
國際貿易 International Trade
國際貿易實務 International Trade Practices
國際企業管理 International Business Management
國際商法 International Business Law
國際稅務 International Taxation
國際信貸 International Credit
國際信貸與結算 International Credit and Settlement
國際營銷學 International Marketing
國際招標與投標 International Tendering
國家公務員制度介紹 Introction to Civil Servant System
國民經濟管理學 Management of National Economy
國民經濟核算 National Economic Accounting
國外統計資料分析 Analysis of Foreign Statistical Data
國有資產管理 State-owned Property Management
航空概論 Introction to Aviation
合資企業會計 Accounting for Joint Venture Business
宏觀經濟學 Macroeconomics
宏微觀經濟學 Macro-economics & Micro-conomics

㈤ 國際貿易翻譯

1 in the credit business, the issuing bank is the first payer, exporter (usually the letter of credit beneficiary) present their letter of credit vouchers directly to the issuing bank withdrawals, without first find out where the importer (openers) 2 credits certificate is a self-contained document, independent of the lease contract for the sale outside the 3 contract between the import and export, import and export binding upon the parties only 4 letters of credit issuing bank and the applicant is a contract between the issuing line, the applicant, beneficiary, and the other banks involved in credit operations are subject to the constraints, but the banks are has nothing to do with the contract for the sale 5 business deal with documents and letters of credit. Only on the surface, consistent with bank letter of credit against the terms of the documents, negotiation and payment. But such are subject to very strict, this is the so-called "strict compliance with the principle." It requires not only "consensus document", also requires consistency between the documents, that "just the same"

㈥ 國際貿易英文翻譯

LC is a means of settlement of international trade conventions. International Chamber of Commerce "with the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits" of the rights and obligations of the parties with LC, The terms of the business and a uniform interpretation, as LC norms of behavior. With the development of international trade, new modes of transport and communication methods, and the use of the "UCP" exposed in the course of the International Chamber of many of its revised. The latest version goal No. 5 in 1993, known as the "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision. International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500 "(UCP 500), on January 1, 1994 implementation.

"UCP 500" has been widely accepted for national banks. In the opening of letters of credit in the body, to show "UCP 500", and therefore binding on all the parties.

"UCP 500" provisions of the letter of credit business, embodies the independence, integrity, reliability and operational unity. Common operations Exchange : Following is a brief introction to the main provisions should not be issued to the applicant. Bank trial run single to the receipt of the documents the next day, seven days banks. Negotiated deal with the company when the negotiation Exchange and / or documents to pay the price, the price paid not only to examine documents does not constitute a negotiation. Credit for the changes, the beneficiary can be made to accept or not to accept the notice, nor can remain silent until documented, Laws alone, according to diplomatic single book system, acceptance, changes in force. If not amended by the single book system should also serve notice to show that the beneficiary refused. The signing of the transport document must indicate that the carrier (or multimodal transport operator) or his agent identity agent signed by the agent should indicate the (carrier) the identity or name. The prohibition of credit transfer provisions, which only port-to-port shipping container in the form of trans-shipment of non-binding. The shipment period to the date on which the document issued if another shipment date of the invoices, take-off date takeover date of endorsement by the carrier allocated the later. Invoices must be opened by the beneficiary, if not the letter of credit provides the necessary signatures, invoices can not sign. LC business under various fees by the instructing party burden. Even if the letter of credit provided by the beneficiary or other person such cost burden, and if he refused to pay, payment instructions still maintains that the ultimate responsibility. Therefore, the ultimate responsibility for the cost of issuing the applicant. For the latter type, if it provides for revocation shall not removed; Only "Transferable", which were considered negotiable.

㈦ 做翻譯還是外貿


㈧ 幾個國際貿易的翻譯

1.unit price: 單價
2.total value: 總價,總金額
3.CIF C5 London:
成本、保險費加運費(Cost,Insurance and Freight),含5%傭金,到倫敦港
4.FOB Trimmed Qing Dao:
船上交貨(free on board) 青島港
5.hard currency :硬通貨
6.soft currency :軟通貨
7.banking charges :銀行手續費
8.CFR N. Y :成本加運費(Cost and freight),至紐約
9.Your commission 3% on FOB value has been included in the above price: 上述價格已包含你在船上交貨(FOB)條款下價值的3%的傭金。
10.USD20.00 per yard FOB Dalian net: 每碼20美元,船上交貨(FOB)大連, 凈價(不含傭金)
11.DM 46.00 per set CFR Hamburg :每套46德國馬克,成本加運費(Cost and freight),至漢堡港
12.GBP2.50 per doz CIF London including 5% commission:
每打2.5英鎊(Great Britain Pound),成本、保險費加運費(Cost,Insurance and Freight),到倫敦港,含5%傭金

㈨ 翻譯國際貿易英文


㈩ 國際貿易主修課程的英文翻譯

國際貿易抄 International Business國際技術貿易 International Technical Trade基礎會計學 Basic Accounting基礎英語 Essential English國際貿易實務 International Trade Affairs外貿函電 Foreign Business Correspondence高等數學(一) Advanced Mathematics中國對外貿易 China's Foreign Trade國際金融 International Finance



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