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㈠ 大工18秋 在線測試和作業的答案

大工17秋《土源木工程概論》在線測試1 1、C 2、D 3、A 4、A 5、A 一、單選題共10題,40分 14分在建築物中起圍護作用,保證滿足建築物的各項使用功能的是() A屋頂結構 B受力結構 C圍護結構 D基礎結構正確答案是:C 24分()是工程結構中主要承受壓力,有時也承受彎矩的豎向構件。 A板 B梁 C屋面 D柱正確答案是:D 34分在結構使用期間,其值不隨時間變化的是() A永久荷載 B可變荷載 C風荷載 D地震荷載正確答案是:A 44分永久荷載的代表值是()。 A標准值 B組合值 C准永久值 D頻遇值正確答案是:A 54分防止房屋因氣溫變化而產生裂縫所設置的變形縫是()。 A伸縮縫 B沉降縫 C抗震縫 D後澆縫正確答案是:A

㈡ 大工2013秋《國際貿易》在線作業1

1、A. 大包裝、外包裝

2、D. 體積單位

3、C. 裝運港船上

4、C. 警告性標志

5、B. 溢短裝條款

1、A. 憑買方樣品版買賣,B. 憑賣權方樣品買賣
2、A. 負責按合同規定支付價款,B. 在清關適用的地方,自負風險和費用取得進口許可證或其他核准書,C. 辦理貨物進口以及必要時經由另一國過境運輸的一切海關手續,D. 收取賣方按合同規定交付的貨物
3、A. 於合同履行後逐筆支付,B. 按月支付,C. 按季支付,D. 按半年支付,E. 按一年匯總計付
4、B. 公制,C. 美製,D. 英制,E. 國際單位制
5、A. 「軟幣」,C. 「弱幣」
1、B. 正確

2、B. 正確

3、B. 正確

4、A. 錯誤

5、A. 錯誤

6、B. 正確

7、B. 正確

8、A. 錯誤

9、B. 正確

10、A. 錯誤


㈢ 大工14秋《外貿函電》在線作業1-2-3答案

您看看是下面這套題嗎?大工14秋《外貿函電》在線作業1 的參考答案:
1. We thank you for your letter dated March 18 ________ our silk blouses of various styles.A. enquiring for
B. enquiry for
C. enquired for
D. enquire for
2. Which of the following is "投資轉讓"?A. Board of Directors
B. Investment Transferability
C. Business Lifetime
D. Joint Venture
3. We are pleased to inform you that we have ________ our business of sales department.A. risen
B. raised
C. enlarged
D. added
4. We will appreciate it very much if you can quote us your best prices ________ Sony Brand Color TV Sets of 24 and 29 inches.A. in
B. for
C. at
D. on
5. Which of the following means "價目表"?A. price list
B. sample
C. enquiry
D. request
6. We have the pine kernels (松子) you asked for ______ stock and will deliver (交貨) as soon as we ______ your order.A. in; receive
B. in; receiving
C. from; received
D. from; receiving
7. _________ in 1935, this company specializes in the export of cotton piece goods.A. Establish
B. Established
C. Establishing
D. To be established
8. The sender』s address usually __________ a firm』s name, its business address, postal code, telephone number, email address, and even its website today.A. separates from
B. includes in
C. consists of
D. makes up
9. The __________ consignment will be returned to you on receipt of the replacement.A. damaging
B. damaged
C. damage
D. to be damaged
10. We have been ________ the line of textiles for five years.A. in
B. on
C. at
D. into
11. What does "Enclosed please find ..." mean in Chinese?A. 詳見包裝
B. 請檢查
C. 隨函附上
D. 請發現
12. ________ create severe competition for home proced goods.A. Import
B. Importing
C. Imports
D. Imported
13. What does "manual" mean in Chinese?A. 手冊
B. 文獻
C. 名稱
D. 對策
14. We would appreciate it _______ you would bring this announcement to the attention of your accounting department.A. except
B. but
C. if
D. otherwise
15. Which of the following is NOT the electronic means of communication for international trade?A. telephone
B. fax
C. mail
D. memo

㈣ 18秋大工《大學英語1》在線測試1的滿分答案

大工秋《大學英語1(遠程英語1)》在線測試1 的參考答案:
1. Shanghai ______ on the Huangpu River.A. stand
B. stands
C. is being stand
D. has stood
2. When you ______ at the door, I ______ some washing.A. knocked; did
B. was knowcking; did
C. knocked; was doing
D. knock; am doing
3. We'll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow.A. snow
B. snows
C. will snow
D. snowed
4. I ______ go to bed until I ______ finished my work.A. don't; had
B. didn't; have
C. didn't; had
D. don't; have
5. ______ that dress when I first saw you at the station?A. Were you wearing
B. Have you worn
C. Did you wear
D. Do you wear
6. Mr. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, ______? ______, he does.A. does he; No
B. does he; Yes
C. doesn't he; No
D. doesn't he; Yes
7. He said that he dropped his bag when he ______ for the bus.A. are running
B. was running
C. were running
D. is running
8. Mary ______ on shoes when she ______ them.A. tries; buys
B. tries; buies
C. trys; buys
D. trys; buies
9. ______ your teacher ______ from them very often? Certainly.A. Do; hear
B. Does; hear
C. Do; receive
D. Does; receive
10. In the past 30 years China ______ great advances in the socialist revolution and socialist construction.A. has made
B. have made
C. had made
D. having made
11. Don't disturb him. He ______ to the weather forecast.A. listens
B. is being listened
C. has listened
D. is listening
12. If it is fine tomorrow, we ______ a football match.A. have
B. will have
C. has
D. shall has
13. You'd like some tea, ______?A. wouldn't you
B. shouldn't you
C. hadn't you
D. didn't you
14. The Young Pioneer _______ water for the old man every day.A. carry
B. bring
C. takes
D. carries
15. My English teacher ______ my test.A. has not yet graded
B. has not yet been graded
C. is not yet to be graded
D. is not yet graded
16. — When did you go to work? — As soon as they came, we ______ to work.A. went
B. were going
C. had gone
D. go
17. I don't know whether it will rain or not, but if it ______ rain, I shall stay at home.A. will
B. did
C. does
D. shall
18. The People's Republic of China ______ on October 1, 1949.A. found
B. was founded
C. is founded
D. was found
19. "______ you angry then?" "They _____ too much noise."A. Are; were making
B. Were; were making
C. Are; made
D. Were; made
20. Mr. Wu ______ to work by bus every day.A. has been traveling
B. has traveled
C. travels
D. is traveling

㈤ 急求大工18秋高等數學在線作業123

傳統電來銷,普通通過電話疏導的方法自做營銷、開辟市集,‌‌‌‌‌‌尤在房地產、理財、貸款、裝修等行業備受注重,電銷職員在此類公司也佔了相稱大的比重,但工作壓力也是不言而喻的。 面臨傳統電銷行業的種種題目,電銷機器人的問世無疑使電銷流程發作了質的改動。好多人都疑心電銷機器人的結果,不曉得電銷機器人結果怎樣樣。面臨新事物,出現種種質疑都是很正常的,但是電銷機器人閱歷時間的磨練後,種種質疑都市自但是然的雲消霧散。 劇烈的市集競爭情況下,市集推行營銷離不開電話,尤其是電銷行業,每天都需求通過電話開展客戶,因而員工撥打電話的服從對企業的開展起著至關緊張的作用。關於電銷企業來說,每天都市分派大量的電話號碼資源給員工跟進,不管是出售產物照舊業務協作,用戶的回絕與職責,時辰影響電銷職員的工作豪情。易如反掌般的找尋客戶,收獲卻差強者意,從服從和結果來說,都達不到老闆想要的結果。 工欲善其事,必先利其器,一個好的智能電話營銷機器人系統,有助於提拔工作服從。



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