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㈠ 英語翻譯段子

②Proction effect: Increased the procer surplus. before implementing TBT, the procer surplus is the P1P3C area, but after implementing TBT, the procer surplus was the P2P3H area, the procer surplus increased the P1P2HC area. (two), TBT to trade export State influence effect analysis: First, to export State terms of trade influence (terms of trade effect) Regardless of export State for great nation or small country, because TBT has prevented its proct export, causes the domestic proct to supply exceed demand, definitely will rece this commodity the price, the overseas available same commodity will trade more this commodities, therefore terms of trade worsening.
第一、 對出口國貿易條件的影響(貿易條件效應)
Second, to the export State domestic economy activity's influence (domestic effect) similarly take the small country as the example, analyzes the model building with the supply and demand, following chart: in the chart in two, is convenient for the analysis, after our supposition this country encounters the TBT limit some commodity all flows in the home. OQ, OP, S, D express this commodity output, the price, the domestic supply curve and the demand curve separately, before not having TBT to set limit, this country supplies are OQ3, the price are OP2, the domestic demand is OQ1, Q1Q3 is the volume of exports, after implementing TBT, the Q1Q3 proct transfers the domestic sale completely, the domestic price the drop will be OP1. ①Expense effect: Before the consumer surplus increases TBT to set limit, the consumer surplus is the P2BA area, after TBT sets limit, the consumer surplus is the P1EA area, the consumer surplus increased the P1P2BE area. ②Proction effect: Before the procer surplus reces TBT to set limit, the procer surplus is the FCP2 area, after TBT sets limit, the procer surplus is (FHP1-HEQ3Q2) area, the procer surplus increased (P1P2CH+ HEQ3Q2) the area. ③National income effect: After the income reces TBT sets limit, the national income originally should have HEC area income vanishing.
第二、 對出口國國內經濟活動的影響(國內效應)
在圖二中,為分析方便,我們假設該國遭遇TBT限制後的某商品全部流入國內。OQ、OP、S、D分別表示該商品的產量、價格、國內供給曲線和需求曲線,在沒有TBT設限前,該國供給為OQ3,價格為OP2,國內需求為OQ1,Q1Q3為出口量,實行TBT後,Q1Q3產品全部轉為國內銷售,國內價格將下降為OP1 。
TBT設限前,生產者剩餘為FCP2的面積,TBT設限後,生產者剩餘為(FHP1―HEQ3Q2)的面積,生產者剩餘增加了(P1P2CH+ HEQ3Q2)的面積。
Third, the technical trade protectionism (TBT) to contemporary international trade's influence (one), TBT sets up the original intention and the necessity is worth affirmative. TBT sets up the original intention is good, it emerges has certain society and the historical perspective, we may sum up it as the following two aspects. the first aspect, finishes after the World War II, the world economics and the international trade had the very big development, but as a result of the people to the environment and the ecology question's understanding insufficiency, causes various countries' the ecology and the environment while proces and trade development receives certain destruction, the economical trade, the ecological environment and sustainable development's contradiction is day by day prominent, therefore various countries take the technical measure in abundance, afforests the proction and the trade. the second aspect, science's and technology's development causes the trade proct and the service technique content is getting higher and higher; Simultaneously the people living standard and the quality of life enhance unceasingly, the consumer to the proct and the service selective enhancement, to the proct and the service security, wholesomeness, and the performance request is also getting higher and higher, this request various countries take the effective technical measure, safeguards the normal proction, the trade and the expense. Therefore, we may see clearly TBT sets up the original intention is good, moreover the right technical measure is beneficial in the enhancement proction efficiency; Is beneficial in the promotion international trade development; Is beneficial in guaranteed that the export procts the quality either protects human, the animal or plant's life or the health and the protection environment, prevents the fraulent practice, or protects the importing country the basic security interests; Is also beneficial in the international standardized aspect in the developed country and provides the related assistance to the developing country transfer technology. Therefore said that TBT sets up also has its necessarily.
對應的中文:三、 技術性貿易壁壘(TBT)對當代國際貿易的影響
(two), nowadays's TBT already became the international trade the bottleneck to have the ironclad evidence. Although the technology trade barrier sets up has its necessity, but nowadays's TBT already seriously twisted the original intention which it sets up, various countries set up TBT to protect the proportion which the environment and people's security occupies to be getting fewer and fewer, but sets up the barrier to prevent the overseas commodity the import to be actually getting more and more, has become a trade protectionism powerful tool. The fact proved that TBT seriously had already hindered international trade normal advance, becomes a bottleneck which the international trade oversteps with difficulty. we first looking from TBT in the notification situation in recent years, according to WTO "the TBT Agreement" and "the SPS Agreement" the stipulation, the member formulates before the trade possibly has the tremendous influence technical measure to notify for the TBT committee or the SPS committee, and gives other members to appraise the time. in 2002, altogether had 45 members TBT which and SPS total quantity 1429 notified to the TBT committee and the SPS committee, bi shangnian grew 6.4%,1995-2002 year TBT and the SPS notification total is 8507. The special details see the next table:

㈡ 求笑話 外貿方面最好

3.在外貿界的中國朋友們老是聽到 國外的客戶抱怨:中國人太壞了 , 太壞了 。。。
很多中國人很是不理解 就 追究其原因 結果這一查 查出這么一個段子。
在 很早的時候,有一個美國人,法國人和 中國人 被同時淪落在一個荒島上。
島上什麼也沒有 於是他們三個人只能 向神求救 果然不負有心人 ,神仙出來了說;我沒人答應你三個要求你們誰先說?
美國人前先說:1 我要100萬個金幣 2 給我6個美女,3 讓我離開這里 。
神仙一揮袖子 美國人消失了。
法國人:我要200萬個金幣 12個美女 然後離開這里 。
神仙 有一揮袖子 。。。。
「給我來瓶2鍋頭 」 喝下去後 說:在給來一瓶 。 第3 ,我一個人喝酒沒意思讓他們倆回來陪我喝酒。。。

回來後 美國人和法國人 無奈得很 沒辦法 只能再次拜神 以求顯靈。。
果然神仙有出來了 說這次我只能沒人答應你們2個要求了 ,你們誰先來?
美國人 長了個心眼 說:讓他(中國人)先來 ,他先來。。
中國人說 :給我來評2鍋頭。 神仙趕緊問 第二個呢?
當時中國人正在喝著那2鍋頭 來不及說話 就不耐煩地說 :行了,行了沒你事了 ,你走吧。。。。汗
4.有兩個女兒的莫里森不幸在一次車禍中截去了左腳,為此,保險公司付給他一筆數目可 觀的保險費,他將這筆錢做了大女兒的嫁妝。」
在教堂里的大女兒的結婚儀式上,小女兒趴在莫里森的耳邊,輕輕地問:「爸爸,您該 替我想想了,我的嫁妝怎麼籌措呢?」
5.我有一同事,姓白,是個小姐。有個香港的客戶打電話來要資料,我告訴他由白小姐負責。下午的時候收到一張傳真,ATTN是MISS WHITE。我很奇怪,因為公司沒有這樣一位小姐啊。想了一下,就明白郵件是給白小姐的。
6.這是以色列客戶告訴我的故事,他參加過中東戰爭.他說阿拉伯的士兵又蠢有懶,軍官訓練新兵走正步的時候,很多士兵都分不清左右,以至於隊伍散散亂亂;這時候有個軍官想了個辦法,讓士兵左手拿土豆,右手拿西紅柿,軍官說土豆的時候,士兵邁左腳,軍官說西紅柿的時候,士兵們則邁右腳,整個軍營士兵們整齊的邁著步伐,空氣中盪漾著軍官豪邁而有節奏的口令聲:tomato, potato, tomato, potato, tomato........

 客人回國後約一星期,俺嘴辰上生老大的皰疹,又痛又癢,在email里說可能是因為說了謊而被上帝懲罰,告訴他那盤驢肉實際是狗肉。 他回信說:really? my dogs were quite upset by the story!
8.我們阿富汗的客戶很煩很羅嗦,後來看到是他的電話我都懶得接,有次他問Can you give me your moblie no? 我說 I don』t use mobile.他說 No no i don』t believe it , you Chinese everyone has mobile. 我暈……

還有奈及利亞的客戶那總是停電,每次傳真都很難發通,經常發過去的時候他說Hold for a while, I』m making electricity.……他在那手搖發電……



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