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③ 求原創論文 中國對外貿易發展現狀 1500字 要有摘要


④ 幫翻譯一篇國際貿易論文中文摘要,謝謝

Now, the most important thing in the world economy is economic cooperation,
regional economic integration is becoming more and more important, hair speed
show more and more quickly, the European Community, the north American free
trade area regional economic integration is the best example. Regional economy
has become the world's most major common economic growth trend, to the
inevitable process of economic globalization is to the regional economic, but
also a development trend.

China and asean countries, is the world's two major economies, in a large
proportion in international trade. In 2010, China - asean free trade area,
consisting of a free trade area between them, will become the second only to the
European Community, the north American free trade area after the world's third
international free trade area. This is the important measure of mutual exchanges
between China and asean. Since China's accession to the WTO after the first big
move, will promote the foreign trade between China and asean, for all the two
economies to promote each other. Position of the guangxi is located at the
junction of China and the association of south-east Asian nations (asean). Have
such a good conditions, guangxi should play a geographical advantage, grasp the
opportunity of the china-asean free trade zone, China - asean free trade area of
the important status and role, better and faster development of guangxi economy.

This article embarks from the China - asean free trade area, China - asean
free trade area and economic development of guangxi as the research object,
using the method of literature review and inction analysis study, first
introces the background of the establishment of china-asean free trade zone,
guangxi in the role and status of the china-asean free trade area. In these
conditions, the use of export total GDP in guangxi, guangxi, guangxi asean total
import and export, this paper studies the relationship between the three
analysis of mutual relations between and among, imports and exports accounted
for the relationship, to make sure of the china-asean free trade area of
economic effect, especially, the guangxi economic development better.

Finally, the article to the economic and trade development of china-asean
free trade area of guangxi Suggestions: 1, guangxi should vigorously develop
foreign trade, good at using various countries guangxi macro policies, location
advantage, resource advantage, transportation advantages. Second, adjust the
instrial structure. To strengthen cooperation with asean countries. Third,
should develop the economy of scale, focus on developing enterprise of certain
advantage. Four, guangxi work to improve the investment environment, the
introction of the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) to foreign

⑤ 外貿訂單管理系統的摘要


⑥ 關於國際商務(國際貿易)的畢業論文3000字左右包括:題目摘要內容參考文獻(5個)11月1日之前必須要,好的加分


⑦ 國際貿易論文摘要高分求翻譯 快!急!

between the 1994-2004 11, the year of 1998 in addition to financial capital and small deficit generated by the project, other years the current and capital and finance are surplus. Double surplus of at least fundamentally reflect two main issues. First, the current account surplus indicates that domestic savings are not residents of high good turn through the use of export in the form of foreign flows, to provide for the development of foreign capital. The cause of the Chinese current account surplus of the year, increasing foreign exchange reserves in recent years; On the other hand e to foreign investment rate of return (such as investing in U.S. treasury bonds, etc.) is far lower than China itself, as well as the impact of foreign currency devaluation, Causing the loss of capital gains. Secondly, China is the large scale introction of foreign capital, much of which is in the form of direct investment flowing into China. These direct investment in a large part of investment in the manufacturing, manufacturing of parts and manufacturing exports accounted for a significant proportion, which in turn has increased on China's current account surplus. So how to trade and the utilization of foreign capital in terms of double surplus, how to combine China's domestic economic situation, to resolve double surplus, the effective development of the domestic economy, will be the focus of this study.
key word:double surplus,Trade-oriented,Foreign investment,The expansion of domestic demand,Financial market,最後這個單詞不會

⑧ 幫我翻譯下畢業論文的摘要,國際貿易方面的,谷歌百度什麼的就別來了

China - asean free trade area, agricultural trade has been China and asean economic and trade cooperation is an important part of, with the establishment of the china-asean free trade area, and graally implement zero tariff for agricultural procts trade conditions continue to improve, trade is growing rapidly, and a general market complementary pattern, but both import and export pattern is unequal, under the system of China and asean free trade area, the problem of agricultural trade between China and asean is particularly important. Through the statistics and the reality, this paper summarizes the agricultural procts trade status quo of China and asean, and thus found the problem analysis, in view of the problems put forward the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, to promote the common development of China and asean。

⑨ 論文摘要翻譯,來一個英語大神。人工翻譯,不要機器軟體的,謝謝。 隨著國際貿易的發展,知識產權對國際

With the development of international trade, intellectual property imposes a more and more impact on international competitiveness. Particularly, the effect of patent barrier on China's foreign trade is larger and larger, and becomes an important issue that must be paid attention. The core of this paper is to analyses the effect and reasons of patent barrier on China's foreign trade, and focuses on seeking the measures to break the restriction of patent barrier on China's foreign trade.

⑩ 你好,可以幫我想一下外貿實習報告的摘要如何寫。

一、 實習目的
二、 實習時間
三、 實習地點
四、 實習單位和部門,實習單位的生產(經營)工作情況、管理情況及對員工的要求
五、 實習內容:實習的項目、程序、方法、計算成果及示意圖,按實習順序逐項編寫;
六、 實習總結: 實習中運用所學知識分析解決問題的情況,實習的心得體會,意見和建議



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