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發布時間:2020-11-25 09:04:13

『壹』 「貿易有限公司」的英語怎麼說

Trade Company Limited

『貳』 請問"貿易有限公司"怎樣翻譯成英文

trading Co,.LTD

『叄』 "貿易有限公司"怎樣翻譯成英文


Trading Company Ltd.



abbr. Limited (股份)有限公司

『肆』 國際貿易有限公司 英文怎麼說

international trade co. ltd

『伍』 國際貿易公司用英語怎麼說

[詞典] International Trading Company 縮寫為 INTRACO;
We not only an international trading company, we have a proct design and procurement consulting firm.

『陸』 我的公司是: XXXX商貿有限公司 請問英文怎麼寫

我的公司是: XXXX商貿有限公司的英文:My company is XXXX Trading Co., Ltd.

company 讀法 英[ˈkʌmpəni]美[ˈkʌmpəni]


1、public company上市公司

2、limited company有限公司 ;[經]股份有限公司 ; 有限責任公司

3、Investment Company[經]投資公司


Prior to joining the College, David was a Senior Logistics Manager at Sino-Australia JM Trading Co., LTD.





2、company作名詞指「公司」時,前面有無and意義不同,如Smith和其他人合辦的公司叫Smith and Company,這種情況下company前不加冠詞the,也可以叫The Smith Company。只要是沒有and 或&符號的,前面用The或不用The都可以。


company, corporation, firm, partnership這組詞的共同意思是「公司,商號」。其區別是:

1、company多用於英式英語中; corporation多用於美式英語中。


『柒』 貿易公司簡介英文翻譯

Company brief introction
Just big economy and trade of Da Qing City Sa Er Tu Qu Ltd. is private one stock system enterprise , is located in in be most developed Heilongjiang province gross national proct city- - Da Qing City; Public praise after 10 of hardship start an undertaking , just important economy and trade Ltd. is managed in believing that achievement draws for this managing has got managing of proud people under the idea guiding in order to mode of business operation and sincerity having an inventive mind! The company takes Heilongjiang provincial capital Ha Er Bin City as centre and radiation three Northeast provinces carrying out brand layout and managing , now Da Lian City already covering the whole province and the Liaoning province , Jilin province Chang Chun City and Yan Ji City etc., are various manage the achievement index gets without exception already excellent results! At present, the company is main manage in the homeland the international, is first-rate famous brand, Peng , Jin Li Lai (Chinese) , Lukadilong , Jack all wait among them then including POLO RALPH LAUREN , France! Company's long range development targets is: The accurate go along marketplace fixes position , chooses the high-quality proct according with tidal current and fad and indiviation , molds fine enterprise image! Provide ardent but thoughtful customer service, use reliable but the high-effect managing pattern fad is beautiful for the customer and the consumer create life brand-new experience that! Compete for wound of go along, field opening up vast cause, turn enterprise into the excellent enterprise scientize administration , material civilization being in motion and doing business , being modernized uniting with cultural and ideological progress altitude and developing with common progress of times! Have managed the mass guiding principle having worked out "people oriented; people foremost , having sought exist , unceasingly innovative " guiding principle and "having raised mass , first class of service , Tuo exhibition marketplace " with quality. Observe managing with "customer highest , quality first " purpose! The limited company of just big economy and trade of Da Qing City Sa Er Tu Qu will obey the attitude being realistic carefully, developing going to be ready for everyone brand , go after is unceasingly preeminent and. In future cooperation, join hands the buddy develops brand-new value side by side , creates commonly!

『捌』 XX貿易有限公司英文怎麼說

....Trade Co.Ltd.

『玖』 對外貿易經營公司的詳細地址怎麼翻譯,精準的英文。謝謝謝謝

看你這個地址是用來幹嘛的了,用來做郵政地址,什麼區什麼街道就不用寫了,用來做公司注冊地址,那什麼路和什麼道交口的就不用寫了,總之有天津,大沽北路65號 2903-2907這一段就足夠精準,別的東西都是多餘信息,寫的多反而影響外國(地)人理解。你這一大堆不像是個外貿公司的地址,倒像是外賣送貨給騎手留的地址……

『拾』 貿易有限公司的英文怎麼說

Trading Company Ltd.

Trading Company Ltd.



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