⑴ 介绍几位当今存在的世界级经济学家
2011-03-11 | 山鹰03 | 转藏(41)
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Robert Mundell(罗伯特·蒙代尔)哥伦比亚大学、诺贝尔经济奖得主
罗伯特 蒙代尔教授现任哥伦比亚大学经济学系教授,是最优货币区域理论的首创者,被誉为“欧元之父”。 1955年,从麻省理工学院获得博士学位。1956-1957在芝加哥大学做政治经济学博士后研究。多年来,他先后担任过联合国、世界银行、国际货币基金组织、加拿大政府、美国联邦银行、美国财政部及欧洲经济委员会的高级顾问。Robert Mundell教授作为金融专家,多年来对中国的经济金融改革也给予了高度的关注。
蒙代尔教授一直担任联合国、国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国际机构和加拿大、欧洲国家政府及美国联邦储备局顾问。 1999年因“对不同汇率体制下的货币和财政政策以及最优货币区域的分析”获诺贝尔经济学奖。
Thomas C. Schelling(托马斯·谢林)美国马里兰大学、2005诺贝尔经济奖得主
谢林教授曾被推选为美国国家科学院、美国医学研究所及美国国家艺术与科学院院士。1991年,他担任美国经济学会主席,。因其在政治经济学和防止核战争中的行为研究的突出贡献,他分别获得Frank E. Seidman奖和美国全国科学院奖。
Douglass North(道格拉斯·诺斯)华盛顿大学,诺贝尔经济奖得主
道格拉斯 诺斯是1993年诺贝尔经济学奖得主之一。自1983年,诺斯先生开始在华盛顿大学经济系担任法律和自由学科教授。并在1984-1990年,担任政治经济学研究中心主任。在1992年,他成为有史以来第一位拿到经济学界最高殊荣——John R. Commons Award的历史经济学家。同时,诺斯先生也是华盛顿大学新制度社会科学研究中心的奠基人。近期研究包括财产权、转换成本和历史中的经济组织、发展中国家的经济发展。
Dennis J. Snower (丹尼斯·斯诺)德国基尔世界经济研究院院长
曾获得社会学研究委员会、纽菲尔德基金(The. Nuffield Foundation) 、经济与社会研究委员会等机构的多项嘉奖。1993年,他成为皇家艺术学会(Royal Society of Arts)会员。1998年,他加入IZA,并作为“福利和劳动力市场”项目负责人直到2004年。
Amartya Sen (阿玛蒂亚·森) 哈佛大学教授,诺贝尔经济奖得主
阿玛蒂亚·森教授于1959年在剑桥大学取得博士学位,曾执教于伦敦经济学院、牛津大学等著名学府现任哈佛大学经济学与哲学教授,曾任剑桥三一学院(Trinity College, Cambridge)主任直到近期。他还是OXFAM(牛津饥荒救济委员会)前名誉主席和现任名誉顾问。 得奖方面,他取得了印度总统颁发的最高奖项“Bharat Ratna”,“the Senator Giovanni Agnelli”国际伦理奖,埃森豪威尔奖,英国Honorary Companion of Honour。阿玛蒂亚·森教授因在福利经济学上的杰出成就获得1998年的诺贝尔经济学奖。
⑵ 徐翔是经济学教授那个徐翔吗
⑶ 北大50岁经济学教授有哪些
⑷ 经济学教授:国内为什么钱越来越不值钱
⑸ 人大研究生世界经济学专业有哪些教授,那个教授比较知名
吴易风方福前姚开建刘凤良吴汉洪卢荻贾根良周业安郭杰陶然陈彦斌黄淳李天有姚明霞王湘红于泽孙文凯陆方文Peter KELLY
⑹ 吉林大学著名经济学教授都有哪些
教 授 郑贵廷[8] 纪玉山[9] 吴宇晖[10] 谢 地[11]
麻彦春[12] 魏益华[13] 马春文[14] 李 政[15]
教 授 池元吉[16] 李俊江[7] 李 晓[6] 项卫星[17]
赵 放[18] 李冬 丁一兵[19] 李玉蓉[20]
教 授 潘 石[21] 徐传谌[22] 年志远[23] 汤吉军[24]
齐 平[25] 李士梅[26] 许梦博[27] 邵学峰[28]
教 授 杜 婕[29] 池 晶[30] 孙少岩[31] 李 昱[32]
王倩[33] 戈国莲[34] 杜莉[35]
⑺ 香港大学都有哪些比较出名的金融学或经济学教授
⑻ 经济学教授的课程适合哪些人群
⑼ 旦大学教授,经济学家
⑽ 耶鲁经济学副教授基思·陈(Keith Chen)介绍
M. Keith Chen
Associate Professor of Economics, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Office Mailing Address:
110 Westwood Plaza
Cornell Hall, Suite D515
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1481
E-mail address: [email protected]
Office Phone:(310) 825-7348
Office Fax:(310) 825-1581
Ph.D. Harvard University Department of Economics, 2003
Advisors: Drew Fudenberg, David Laibson, and Al Roth
Thesis: Bargaining Behind Bars: Peer and Strategic Interactions in Theory and Data
Bachelors of Science with honors in Mathematics; Stanford University, 1998
Thesis: Non-Archimedean Probabilities and the Foundations of Rationality
Current Position:
Associate Professor of Economics with tenure: UCLA Anderson School of Management
Other Affiliations: Cowles Foundation
Past Positions:
2008-2013: Associate Professor of Economics: Yale School of Management
2003-2008: Assistant Professor of Economics: Yale School of Management
Other Academic Positions:
2013-present: Associate Editor, Behavioral Science and Policy
Research Fields:
Applied Microeconomic Theory with a focus in Behavioral Economics
Teaching Fields:
Microeconomics, Behavioral Economics, and Strategy
Grants and Awards:
2013: Science, Editors' Choice for "The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior"
2011: Yale SOM Alumni Association, Annual Teaching Award
2008: Roger F. Murray Prize, The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance
2008: American Law and Economics Review Distinguished Article Prize
2006-2011: National Science Foundation research grant
2006-2007: Behavioral economics research grant, Russell Sage Foundation
2005-2007: Neuroeconomics; Whitebox Advisors Research Grant, Yale ICF, Behavioral Finance Initiative
2004-2006: Capuchin Research; Whitebox Advisors Research Grant, Yale ICF, Behavioral Finance Initiative
2004: Behavioral Economics Field-Study Research Grant, Yale Institution for Social and Policy Studies
2013-present: Business Strategy, UCLA Anderson School of Management (required)
2008-2013: Introction to Game Theory, Yale School of Management (required)
2008-2013: Introction to Managerial Economics, Yale School of Management (required)
2005-2013: Behavioral Economics and Strategy, Yale University (elective)
2004-2008: Negotiating Strategy; Yale School of Management (elective)
2003-2008: Economics Analysis: Yale School of Management (required)
Published and Forthcoming Papers:
For abstracts and drafts, please see my Papers page
The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets
Science: Editors' Choice
American Economic Review, April 2013
Additional analyses and tables in an online appendix.
Are Women Overinvesting in Ecation? Evidence from the Medical Profession
This Draft: December, 2011
Journal of Human Capital, Summer 2012
Intertemporal Choice and Legal Constraints
Joint with Alan Schwartz
American Law and Economic Review, Spring 2012
The Evolution of Decision-Making Under Risk: Framing Effects in Monkey Risk Preferences
Joint with Venkat Lakshminarayanan & Laurie Santos
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, May 2011
How to Study Choice-Inced Attitude Change: Strategies for Fixing the Free-Choice Paradigm
Joint with Jane Risen
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, December 2010
How Choice Affects and Reflects Preferences: Revisiting the Free-Choice Paradigm
Joint with Jane Risen
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, October 2010
This paper builds on an earlier working paper:
Rationalization and Cognitive Dissonance: Do Choices Affect or Reflect Preferences?
Is Choice a Reliable Predictor of Choice? A Comment on Sagarin and Skowronski
Joint with Jane Risen
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, February 2009
The Evolution of Rational and Irrational Economic Behavior: Evidence and Insight from a Non-human Primate Species
Joint with Laurie Santos
This is a book chapter from Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain
Academic Press: Elsevier, 2009
The Endowment Effect in Capuchin Monkeys
Joint with Venkat Lakshminarayanan & Laurie Santos
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, December 2008
Modeling a Presidential Prediction Market
Joint with Jonathan E. Ingersoll and Edward H. Kaplan
Management Science, August 2008
The Taste for Leisure, Career Choice, and the Returns to Ecation
Joint with Judith Chevalier
Economics Letters, May 2008
Do Harsher Prison Conditions Rece Recidivism? A Discontinuity-Based Approach
American Law and Economics Review Distinguished Article Prize of 2008
Joint with Jesse Shapiro
American Law and Economic Review, June 2007
How Basic are Behavioral Biases? Evidence from Capuchin-Monkey Trading Behavior
Joint with Venkat Lakshminarayanan & Laurie Santos
Journal of Political Economy, June 2006
Some Thoughts on the Adaptive Function of Inequity Aversion: An Alternative to Brosnan’s Social Hypothesis
Joint with Laurie Santos
Social Justice Research, June 2006
Modeling Reciprocation and Cooperation in Primates: Evidence for a Punishing Strategy
Joint with Marc Hauser
Journal of Theoretical Biology, May 2005
Give Unto Others: Genetically Unrelated Cotton-Top Tamarin Monkeys Preferentially Give Food to Those Who Altruistically Give Food Back
Joint with Marc Hauser, Frances Chen & Emmeline Chuang
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Nov 2003
External Presentations, 2004-Present:
UCLA Psychology: Developmental Psychology Seminar (4-7-2014)
University of Michigan: Dept of Economics, School of Information, and Ross Business School, Joint Seminar (3-17-2014)
University of Zü Department of Economics Seminar (12-6-2013)
Bonn Graate School of Economics Seminar (12-4-2013)
SHARE User Conference, Belgium, Keynote (11-28-2013)
University of Chicago Rational Choice Seminar (11-12-13)
Berkeley BCRN Conference Seminar (10-11-13)
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Research Seminar (9-16-13)
MIT Sloan Marketing Seminar (4-1-13)
NYU Instrial Organization Seminar (3-26-13)
Wellesley Economics Department (3-14-13)
Harvard Economics Department, Labor / Public Finance Joint Seminar (3-13-13)
Microsoft Research (2-22-13)
Carnegie Mellon, Center for Behavioral and Decision Research (1-31-13)
McGill University, Department of Economics (12-7-12)
University of Minnesota, Carlson SOM (11-26-12)
London School of Economics (11-6-12)
UCSD, Rady School of Management (10-31-12)
UCLA, Interdisciplinary Group in Behavioral Decision Making (10-26-12)
INFORMS, invited speaker (10-14-12)
Boston University SOM (10-12-12)
Harvard Business School (9-19-12)
Linguistics Data Consortium 20th Anniversary Workshop (9-6-12)
TED Global, Edinburgh Scotland (6-28-12)
Stanford Linguistics Department (4-5-12)
Stanford GSB and Economics Department (4-2-12)
Yale Linguistics Department (1-20-12)
Wharton Decision Processes Colloquium (10-17-11)
Behavioral Economics Annual Meeting (5-23-11)
Yale Law School, Law, Economics and Organizations Seminar (4-14-11)
Caltech, Brain, Mind, and Society Seminar Series (3-3-11)
CFA Finance Seminar (7-26-10)
UCLA, Marketing Summer Conference (5-22-10)
Simon Fraser University, Biological Basis of Behavioral Economics (5-16-10)
INSEAD, Decision Sciences and Economics (5-6-10)
Aalto University, School of Economics (5-3-10)
Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics (10-28-09)
Harvard, Behavioral & Experimental Economics Workshop (10-20-09)
Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Symposium (10-17-09)
Caltech, Brain, Mind, and Society Seminar Series (8-12-09)
Wharton School, Applied Economics Workshop (4-8-09)
University of Connecticut Anthropology Department (2-17-09)
Vanderbilt Economics Department (1-23-09)
Vanderbilt, Law and Behavioral Biology Speaker Series (1-20-09)
Yale Cognitive Science, Primate Social Psychology Conference (11-8-08)
University of Chicago, Rational Choice Workshop (10-21-08)
SQA Neurofinance Conference (5-30-08)
American Bar Association, Behavioral Economics and Ethical Decision Making (5-29-08)
Todai-Yale Universities, Mind, Brain, and Society Conference (4-25-08)
Cornell University, Economics Department Seminar (4-11-08)
The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (4-1-08)
Cornell University, Behavioral Economics and Decision Research Workshop (1-29-08)
Cornell University, Behavioral Economics Seminar (10-23-07)
Yale School of Public Health (9-17-07)
NBER Law and Economics Summer Institute (7-26-07)
Yale ISPS (4-24-07)
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (4-03-07)
Wesleyan University, Economics Seminar (10-11-06)
New York University, IO Day (9-15-06)
University of California Berkeley, Summer Institute in Competitive Strategy (6-29-06)
Carnegie Mellon Decision Sciences Seminar (2-28-06)
Wharton Decision Processes Seminar (11-21-05)
University of California Berkeley, Psychology and Economics Seminar (10-18-05)
University of Chicago, Applications of Economics Workshop (4-11-05)
Yale Law School, Law, Economics and Organizations Seminar (4-7-05)
University of Connecticut, Anthropology Seminar (2-10-05)
Brown, Applied-Microeconomics Seminar (9-23-04)
Caltech, Neuroscience Seminar (5-13-04)
University of California San Diego, Applied-Microeconomics Seminar (5-12-04)