㈠ 金融学课程翻译
保险理论与实务 Theories and Practice on Insurance
微观经济学 Microeconomics
管理学 Management
财务管理 Financial management
证券经济学 Economics of securitization
证券投资学 Stock Investment
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics
货币金融学 Money and Banking
商业银行管理 Commercial Bank Management
国际贸易 International Trade
会计学原理 Introcation of Accountancy
市场营销 Marketing
国际金融电子商务 International Finance and E Business
公司法 Company Law
金融工程学 Financial Engineering
投资银行学 Investment Banking
㈡ 经济学翻译
in triggering the global financial crisis,in是在……方回面,也就是在触发答全球金融危机方面;Role of over-the-counter derivatives,over-the-counter是非处方,医药用语,也用来比喻解决困境的非正规或常规途径吧,整个短语应该是非处方作用衍生物,role是of over-the-counter,后面的derivatives应该是独立的指整个短语的衍生物,即非处方作用出来的衍生物。
㈢ 麻烦翻译经济学课程
Corporate Financial Management
property economics
Instrial Economy
Regional Economics
Chinese Modern Economic History
㈣ 经济课程方面的英语翻译,在线等(急)
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㈤ 关于几门经济学课程的英文翻译,出国急用,在线等~~
资源与环境经济学 Economics of Natural Resources and The Environment劳动经济学 Labor Economics
经济学名著选读 Selected Reading of the Masterpieces of Economics
社会主义经济理论 Socialist Economic Theory
国际银行学 International Banking
城市经济学 Urban Economics
精益管理 Lean Management
管理学 Management
计算机外设原理与维修 Computer Peripheral
㈥ 求微观经济学课程描述的中文翻译。。 不要google的
㈦ 求经济类课程名翻译(高手进)
高级计量经济学来 Advanced Econometrics
应用源时间序列分析 Applied Time Series
多元统计分析 Multivariable Statistics
数理金融 Mathematical Finance Theory
精算学 Actuarial Studies
证券期货市场技术分析 Technical Analysis of Stock and Option Market
期权期货与其他衍生品 Option, Future and Other Derivatives
金融经济学 Financial Economics
㈧ 经济学,翻译。
**************** 财政总结 ****************
c3 一渠道 二渠道 汇总
销售量 24468 17637 42105
批发价 $200.00 $210.00
单位成本 $104.00 $104.00
销售总额 $4,893,600 $3,703,770 $8,597,370
销售成本 $2,544,672 $1,834,248 $4,378,920
中转费 $0
总利润 $4,218,450
广告费用 $500,000
销售人员工资支出 $400,000 $200,000 $600,000
-生火费 $0
-代理费 $440,424 $333,339 $773,763
顾客服务 $200,000
促销费用 $200,000 $100,000 $300,000
产品改进研发成本 $104,000
市场调研费用 $134,000
总支出 $2,611,763
利息收益 $13,380
净收益(损失) $1,620,067
下期预算: $1,202,000 ( 部门总计的26%)
剩余准备金: $223,000
*************** 生产总结****************
要求的实际总量 库存量
商标生产 产品销售转移成本
㈨ 请高手翻译微观经济学的课程描述(翻译成英文)
Micro-economics courses Description: micro-economics, including the general equilibrium price theory, theory of consumer behavior, the procers of theory, theory of market structure, elements of market theory, general equilibrium theory and welfare economics and microeconomic policy. Micro-economics in the analysis methods, the use of both empirical analysis and use of standard analytical methods, large-scale use of a balanced analysis and marginal analysis methods. Micro-economics in the transaction cost economics to the direction of development, according to the information and whether or not completely symmetrical, the formation of micro-economics and information economics branch. These micro-economics reflect the new development trends.