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[1]Sornn-Friese, H. and J. S?rensen, Linkage lock-in and regional economic development: the case of the ?resund medi-tech plastics instry. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2005. 17(4): p. 267-291.
[2]Warner, M., Putting Child Care in the Regional Economy: Empirical and Conceptual Challenges and Economic Development Prospects. JOURNAL-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY, 2006. 37(2): p. 7.
[3]André, F., M. Cardenete, and E. Velázquez, Performing an environmental tax reform in a regional economy. A computable general equilibrium approach. The Annals of Regional Science, 2005. 39(2): p. 375-392.

Ⅱ 求一中英文互译文章,主题与区域经济,和谐经济,经济增长,经济发展中任一相关都可。最好3000字左右。






总部设在巴黎的国际能源机构(IEA)需求分析师艾杜阿多•洛佩兹(Eardo López)表示,上调零售价格是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。“这令人意外,因为北京一再表示,在高通胀环境下,不会调高能源价格。”




纽约Rhodium Group的中国石油专家特雷弗•豪泽(Trevor Houser)表示,5月份通胀下降,正好给了中国政府足够的喘息之机,以提高燃油价格。“当货车司机必须等6个小时才能加上油时,短缺问题已到了威胁经济效率的地步。”



China raised energy prices across the board last night in a major policy shift that risks stoking the country's already high inflation.

International oil prices fell immediately as Beijing said that petrol and diesel would go up by to 18 per cent and electricity tariffs rose by just under 5 per cent. Oil prices – already under pressure as Saudi Arabia is expected to announce on Sunday an increase in oil proction – fell more than $4 a barrel to $132.32.

The decision of China to slash its oil subsidies will cause the country's largest one-off increase in at least a decade in petrol and diesel prices. The increases come into effect today. Analysts had expected the authorities to hold off price increases until at least after the August Olympics.

China has been under growing international pressure to rece its oil subsidies, with western countries accusing Beijing of artificially stimulating demand for oil by maintaining its price caps. Before the announcement, Chinese gasoline prices were around 40 per cent below the US. In the last month, India, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia have all cut their subsidies amid mounting fiscal cost and in spite of concern about high inflation.

Eardo López, demand analyst at the International Energy Agency in Paris, said that the retail price hike was a step in the right direction. “It is a surprise because Beijing has repeated it was not raising energy prices because of the high inflation environment.”

But Mr López warned against expectations of lower Chinese oil use in the short-term saying that the move was more likely to stimulate supply in China than to curb demand.

The price caps had caused problems in China with the two large state-owned refiners complaining about huge losses and widespread shortages at petrol stations across the country as many small refineries stopped operations.

Analysts warned that the increase in retail prices could now boost Chinese demand, rather than curtail it, at least in the short term. That is because higher prices would encourage refiners to import more oil and boost sales to ease current petrol and diesel shortages.

Trevor Houser, a China oil specialist at Rhodium Group in New York, said that the drop in inflation in May gave Beijing just enough breathing room to increase fuel prices. “When truck drivers had to wait six hours to refill their tanks, the shortages had got to a stage that threatened economic efficiency,” Mr Houser said.

China is likely to present its decision as its contribution to lower global oil prices at this Sunday's oil procers and consumer meeting in Saudi Arabia, analysts and traders said.

Ⅲ 求一篇介绍中国各地区经济发展现状的英文短文

The Huawei Ideos is an Android OS 2.2 (Froyo)-powered mobile phone with a 2.8-inch TFT touch screen display,a 3.15 megapixel camera and 4GB of memory included.The elegantly-styled unit comes with three extra back covers in different colors.The Huawei IDEOS is ideal for heavy users of multimedia,social networking sites,instant messaging and email who want a reasonably-priced phone.
The higher-end Huwai X5 runs on Android OS 2.2 (Froyo) with 3D user interface capability.It has a 3.8-inch HD LCD capacitive touch screen,a 5 megapixel camera with LED flash,and expandable memory up to 32GB.It can deliver data transfer speeds of up to 14.4 Mbps using High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) technology to provide seamless connection,information and entertainment geared especially for the tastes of professionals and tech enthusiasts.Both models are WiFi-enabled and can record video.


Ⅳ 求区域经济学外文文献


经济地理网站(International Trade, Geography and Specialisation: Empirical Evidence):
外文文献搜索 http://ideas.repec.org/
世界顶级的城市经济学家J. VERNON HENDERSON 网址:
http://www.econ.brown.e/faculty/henderson/ 上面有很多论文资料,且有区域经济学手册可阅读下载.
http://bbs.cenet.org.cn/dispbbs.asp boardID=92527&ID=51593
http://bbs.cenet.org.cn/dispbbs.asp boardID=92527&ID=44276

Ⅳ 国贸论文英文参考文献,题目是区域外贸经济发展研究(新疆)

摘要 2002年以来,国际社会要求人民币升值的呼声不断高涨,特别是美国为了扭转其对华的巨额贸易逆差,强烈要求人民币对美元升值。2005年7月21日,中国人民银行宣布,我国将实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节,有管理的浮动汇率制度。同时宣布美元对人民币交易价格调整为1美元兑8.11元人民币,升值约2个百分点。 在这样的背景下,理论率与我国贸易收支关系的关界对人民币实际汇注开始升温,很多学者担心人民币汇率升值将会给我国贸易收支带来严重冲击,进而影响我国国民经济的稳定。 上述判断正确与否,基于我们对以下问题的我国贸回答:人民币实际汇率变动对我国贸易收支的作用机制;人民币实际汇率变动对易收支影响的方式、方向、程度以及作纳条件在长期内是否成立;在短期内,是否用发挥的时滞;马歇尔-勒存在“J”曲线效应。对这些问题的研究对于当前我国汇率政策的制定具有重要的指导意义。 本文利用1994—2005年我国和美国的双边贸易收支数据来研究实际汇率变化对贸易收支的长期和短期影响。即我们在研究中试存在“J”曲线效应;实际汇率、实际收入等经济变量对我国进出口及贸易收支的影响程度;以图确定:马歇尔-勒纳条件在长期内是否成立;短期内双边贸易收支是否及各自作用发挥的时滞等。 本文使用的方法包括协整分析、向M)、误冲量模型(VEC反应分析及方差分解差纠正脉等。我们通过协整分析来研究实际汇率对贸易收支的长期影响。为了研究实际汇率、实际收入对贸易收支影响的,我们使用了向量误差纠正模型(VECM)短调整机期动态制,并在此基础上进行了脉冲反应分析和方差分解。 通过实证分析,我们得出的结论是: 一、实际汇率对进出口及贸易收支的影响还比较小,甚至有些在统计上还不显著,表明当前我国还不能通过实际汇率的变化来有效地调节贸易收支。反映出当前我国汇率形成的市场规化贸易收支方程中化程度低、进出口商对汇率变化的反应不敏感、以及进出口商品的替代性弱的现状。但是,正实际汇率所对应的正的参数还是表明马歇尔-勒纳条件在长期内成立。 二、脉冲分析显的“J”曲线效应,滞后期大约为一年表明:中美贸易收支存在非常明左右。 三、方差分解表明:实际汇率冲击对贸易收支变化的影响要远远小于实际收入冲击对贸易收支变化的支的方差分解,我们发现,无论是在短期还是在长期,我国与美国贸易收支的变化主要受美国实际收入变化的影响;通过对与美国贸易收影响,即便考虑到两国经济增长率的差异,结论依然成立。Abstract Since 2002, the call for appreciation of RMB has surged upward unceasingly in the international society . Specially, US strongly requests China to increase the value of RMB to US dollar in order to reverse its large trade deficit to China. On July 21,2005, the People's Bank of China announced that, the floating exchange rate system with the management will be implemented in China on the base of the market supply and demand. And a basket currency will act as a information referred when having an adjustment to RMB exchange rate. At the same time, exchange rate of RMB to US dollar is adjusted to 8.11 Yuan per US dollar, approximately 2 percentage points added in value. Under such background, the theorists put the more attention on the relationship between the real RMB exchange rate and Chinese trade balance. Many scholars worried that the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate will give Chinese trade balance a serious impact and will affect the stability of the national economy. If we want to know whether the above judgment is correct, we must answer the next questions: What is the mechanism that real RMB exchange rate affect Chinese trade balance by ? Does Marshall-Lerner condition hold from a long run ? Does the "J" curve effect exist in China from a short run ?How does real RMB exchange rate affect Chinese trade Balance ? On which direction and what degree do real RMB exchange rate affect Chinese trade Balance? How long will Chinese trade Balance be influenced after real RMB exchange rate begin to change ? It is very important for China to guide the current exchange rate policy through researching these questions. This paper is an empirical examination of long run relationship and short run relationship between real RMB exchange rate and Chinese bilateral trade Balance to the United States from 1994 to 2004.Namely, we try to judge whether Marshall-Lerner condition hold from a long run and whether the "J" curve effect exist in China from a short run . we try to judge the effect and time lag that the economical variables such as real RMB exchange rate and real income have an influence on Chinese import amounts ,export amounts and bilateral trade Balance . We research the long run effect that the real exchange rate to the import ,export and trade balance through the Cointegration Analysis influence. In order to study the dynamic adjustment mechanism that the real exchange rate, the real income influence trade balance from a short run, we used the vector error correct model(VECM), the pulse response analysis and the variance decomposition.This paper uses the method including the Cointegration Analysis , the Vector Error Correct Model (VECM), the Pulse Response Analysis and the Variance Decomposition and so on. Through the empirical analysis, we obtain the next results : Firstly, The effect that the real exchange rate influences the import ,export and the trade balance is small, even is not remarkable in the statistics. It reflects there is a low degree of substitute between the imported goods and the exported goods as well. But, the positive parameter of the real RMB exchange rate in the standardized trade balance equation indicate Marshall-Lerner condition hold. It indicates we cannot effectively adjust the trade balance through the real exchange rate now. It reflects a low market degree in pricing foreign exchange, and the importer and exporter is insensitive to the change of the exchange rate. Secondly, the pulse analysis indicates that, the "J" curve effect displays extremely obviously, the period lagged is about a year. we discovered, regardless of in the short-term or in long-term, Chinese trade balance to the United States is mainly influenced by real American income, even if the difference in economic growth rate of both countries considered. Thirdly, the variance decomposition indicated that the real RMB exchange rate has much smaller influence on Chinese trade balance than the real income .

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