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发布时间:2020-11-25 11:10:50

⑴ 我的公司是: XXXX商贸有限公司 请问英文怎么写

我的公司是: XXXX商贸有限公司的英文:My company is XXXX Trading Co., Ltd.

company 读法 英[ˈkʌmpəni]美[ˈkʌmpəni]


1、public company上市公司

2、limited company有限公司 ;[经]股份有限公司 ; 有限责任公司

3、Investment Company[经]投资公司


Prior to joining the College, David was a Senior Logistics Manager at Sino-Australia JM Trading Co., LTD.





2、company作名词指“公司”时,前面有无and意义不同,如Smith和其他人合办的公司叫Smith and Company,这种情况下company前不加冠词the,也可以叫The Smith Company。只要是没有and 或&符号的,前面用The或不用The都可以。


company, corporation, firm, partnership这组词的共同意思是“公司,商号”。其区别是:

1、company多用于英式英语中; corporation多用于美式英语中。


⑵ 是在贸易公司做翻译好还是在翻译公司做翻译好呢


⑶ 请问"贸易有限公司"怎样翻译成英文

trading Co,.LTD

⑷ 对外贸易经营者备案表里的公司英文名称、英文地址怎么翻译。

Dongguan Hongyuanda Trading Co., Ltd.
Address: Area B, 6th Floor, No. 105, Huangwu Instrial Zone, Huangwu Village, Dongkeng Town, Dongguan City


Dongguan Dehai Trading Co., Ltd.
Address: Area B, 7th Floor, No. 105, Huangwu Instrial Zone, Huangwu Village, Dongkeng Town, Dongguan City
Dongguan Juxiang Trading Co., Ltd.
Address: Area A, 7th Floor, No. 105, Huangwu Instrial Zone, Huangwu Village, Dongkeng Town, Dongguan City

⑸ 英文 贸易公司和商贸公司都怎么说 谢谢

商贸公司与贸易公司的性质是一样的,翻译时在字面上会稍加区别,但也有翻译成一样的,因为商贸在英语里其实是不分的,一般来说贸易是trade,商贸是business and trade,现在分别列几个常用的贸易公司与商贸公司的翻译,注意只是字面上稍有不同而已,没有实质的区别,很多时候可以互译.
贸易公司:trade company ;trading company /corporation/firm;mercantile company etc.
商贸公司:commercial and trading company/corporation;business and trading enterprise etc.


⑹ 进出口贸易有限公司用英文怎么翻译

Import and Export trade Limited Company或者Import Import and Export Trading Co., Ltd.

⑺ 翻译一个贸易公司名字,谢谢

Beijing S.O. International Trading Co.,Ltd
P.S:S.O.:sail in the ocean,意为在大海中扬帆,因为公司的英文名称应尽量短小些为好,直接翻译或以全拼的方式翻译都会显得冗长,以S.O.代表可以在精简的同时引发所见者的兴趣,会好奇这个名字的来历,那么贵公司可以进一步阐述,甚至借此彰显企业文化。希望可以帮到您~

⑻ "贸易有限公司"怎样翻译成英文


Trading Company Ltd.



abbr. Limited (股份)有限公司

⑼ 贸易公司简介英文翻译

Company brief introction
Just big economy and trade of Da Qing City Sa Er Tu Qu Ltd. is private one stock system enterprise , is located in in be most developed Heilongjiang province gross national proct city- - Da Qing City; Public praise after 10 of hardship start an undertaking , just important economy and trade Ltd. is managed in believing that achievement draws for this managing has got managing of proud people under the idea guiding in order to mode of business operation and sincerity having an inventive mind! The company takes Heilongjiang provincial capital Ha Er Bin City as centre and radiation three Northeast provinces carrying out brand layout and managing , now Da Lian City already covering the whole province and the Liaoning province , Jilin province Chang Chun City and Yan Ji City etc., are various manage the achievement index gets without exception already excellent results! At present, the company is main manage in the homeland the international, is first-rate famous brand, Peng , Jin Li Lai (Chinese) , Lukadilong , Jack all wait among them then including POLO RALPH LAUREN , France! Company's long range development targets is: The accurate go along marketplace fixes position , chooses the high-quality proct according with tidal current and fad and indiviation , molds fine enterprise image! Provide ardent but thoughtful customer service, use reliable but the high-effect managing pattern fad is beautiful for the customer and the consumer create life brand-new experience that! Compete for wound of go along, field opening up vast cause, turn enterprise into the excellent enterprise scientize administration , material civilization being in motion and doing business , being modernized uniting with cultural and ideological progress altitude and developing with common progress of times! Have managed the mass guiding principle having worked out "people oriented; people foremost , having sought exist , unceasingly innovative " guiding principle and "having raised mass , first class of service , Tuo exhibition marketplace " with quality. Observe managing with "customer highest , quality first " purpose! The limited company of just big economy and trade of Da Qing City Sa Er Tu Qu will obey the attitude being realistic carefully, developing going to be ready for everyone brand , go after is unceasingly preeminent and. In future cooperation, join hands the buddy develops brand-new value side by side , creates commonly!

⑽ 是在贸易公司做翻译好还是在翻译公司做翻译好呢








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