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发布时间:2020-11-25 12:58:56

1. 国际贸易实务英语翻译成中文


2. 国际贸易实务翻译

对于大多数类型的货物,运费是按货物重量,体积,或按重量或体积来计算的(“每运费吨W / M根据船方选择”)。

3. 国际贸易实务英语翻译

英语翻译:International Trade Practice
adj.国际的; 两国(或以上)国家的; 超越国界的; 国际关系的;
n.国际组织; 国际体育比赛; 外国居留者; 国际股票;
Now it's time for our regular look at the world of international sport.
n.贸易; 行业; 买卖; <美>顾客;
vt.& vi.交易,经商;
vt.交换; 经营…交易,做…的买卖;
vi.贸易; 买卖; 以物易物;
Argentina has lifted all restrictions on Trade and visas are about to be abolished.
n.实践; 练习; 惯例; (医生或律师的)业务;
vi.练习; 实习; 实行; 惯常地进行;
vt.练习; 执业; 实行,实践; 惯常地进行;
This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.

4. 国际贸易实务,汇票句子翻译 ,英语看不懂

这是一式两份汇票的第二联,其中At ______ sight 意思是:付款时间;this SECOND BILL of EXCHANGE ( first of the same tenor and date unpaid )意思是: 付二不付一;pay to the order of 是指:受款人,;he sum of是:汇票金额;Drawn under 是:出票条款;To是:付款人。

5. 国际贸易实务英语版翻译成中文

( 1 )定义
打开帐户的安排,其中信贷的范围扩大到个人,商号,公司或其他法律实体的基础上的估算,一般的支付能力, asdistinguished从信贷isextended和支持的一份说明,抵押或其他正式的书面证据的负债。
( 2 )程序的使用开放帐户
开户是很简单use.First ,卖方急件货物。然后,他发出的发票给买受人,并等待付款的buyer.When派出货物,货物的titleto转让给买方从卖方。
通常情况下,卖方将规定期限内规定的付款作出。例如, 2/10means ,买方可以采取百分之二了发票金额支付,如果他在10天内,并充分n/30意味着发票价值,必须在一个月内支付。

6. 关于几个汉译英的句子翻译(国际贸易实务英语)高分请高手来解答。急!!!!!!

1. Packing: goods should have moistureproof, corrosion, shockproof and suitable for packing of YuYuanYang transport goods e to improper packing, the goods caused by the seller shall be responsible and loss. The seller shall not fade in each package marked with the color measurement, gross weight, net weight, and "moisture", "handle with care".

2 for CFR terms: the sellers shall be stipulated in the contract, the goods within the time as by the port of loading to China port, shipping directly without consent of housing in the ship.

3 shipment advice of shipment: immediately after completion, the seller notifies the house with contract number, name of goods, quantity or weight loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of shipment, sailing date and port of destination. Due to the seller does not give the advice of shipment cable to buy be unable to arrange insurance in time, the occurrence of the sellers shall be responsible for all the losses.

4 seller with the following documents to the negotiating bank payment payment:
Made out to order, blank endorsed in blank set of clean on board ocean bills of lading
Signed invoice, indicating contract number 5 shipment wharf.
Indicate the size of the packing list/weight sheet 2

5 commodities inspection: it is mutually agreed that the manufacturer of quality and quantity or weight inspection certificate as payment negotiation bank payment to the seller is one of the documents.

6: e to the force majeure generally recognized as force majeure causes not delay delivery or non-delivery of the goods, the seller liable. But the seller shall advise immediately, when the accident happened in the house.

7 all from the execution of this contract, both parties concerned dispute shall be settled through friendly consultations. If no settlement can be reached between, the dispute shall be submitted to the China council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration to the foreign trade arbitration commission.

7. 国际贸易实务 英文翻译 帮帮忙啊

1 贸易保护主义是指故意使用或者鼓励使用进口限制措施以保护本国相对低效的生产者与国外生产者成功竞争
2 保护性税则是指对进口产品强制征收关税,从而是其比本国产品更加昂贵,借此使本国产品具有价格优势。
3 即使一个国家生产任何东西都有绝对优势,贸易还是有利可图的,因为这个国家会放弃那些生产效率相对低下的来保障高效率的产品生产。
4 在运费到付或者运费保险费到付的运输方式下,“承运人”“承运人”是指在运输合同中,承担履行或办理履行铁路、公路、航空、海洋、内河运输或多式联运义务的人。
5 在FOB运输方式下,卖方把符合合同规定的货物运至指定装运港将货物装上买方指定的船舶。

8. 求国际贸易实务英文版的课文翻译和课后答案


9. 请帮我翻译有关国际贸易实务的句子~

1.我们已经收到你的7月1日的信,关于货物中最最好条款 enquring这个单词是打错了吗?
3.勉强地强迫说, 您的钞票失败的收据在星期一以前其次, 我们必须求助对法律诉讼为它的补救
4.I believe firmly can be competent any transaction, and can be rapid, the economy and causes any ordering which you satisfiedly carries out accepts, sincerely this requests earnestly your help or friendship
5.Regarding the your firm in the future ordering, we guaranteed gives the best quality the service.
6.If this actual price term of validity is five days, this business possibly can be more powerful.



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