Ⅰ 巴西有哪些从事生产白糖的企业
不是啦 嘿嘿巴西是最大的白糖出口国 做乙醇用的生物燃料种植面积很大家润中央情报局acucareira对手罗萨里奥,它管理着一个75000公顷( 187500英亩)甘蔗种植园,又是其中巴西最大的食糖和酒精生产商。
The plantation was carved out of a remote area of Ribeirao Preto, Brazil's sugar cane kingdom in the northeast of Sao Paulo state which accounts for 75 percent of sugar output in the world's biggest sugar procing and exporting country.人工林是雕刻出的一个边远地区ribeirao preto ,巴西的甘蔗,在英国东北部的圣保罗州占75 %的蔗糖产量在世界上最大的糖生产国和出口国。
Three generations of the Junqueira Santos Pereira family, which traces its roots to 16th century Portuguese settlers, run the integrated sugar enterprise.三代的junqueira桑托斯佩雷拉家庭,其中的根源可追溯至十六世纪葡萄牙人定居,办好综合性制糖企业。
It crushes up to five million tonnes of sugar cane annually into sugar and ethanol biofuel, leaving some 1.5 million tonnes of bagasse - sugar cane resie - piled up in sheds.它压碎了,以500万吨的甘蔗,每年成糖和乙醇的生物燃料,造成约150万吨蔗渣-甘蔗渣-积压在鸡舍。
"We're an old family but look at new ways of doing things," said grandfather Eardo Junqueira Santos Pereira. "我们是一个老家族,但看在用新方法做的事,说: "爷爷爱德华多junqueira桑托斯佩雷拉。
Daily management of the huge sugar mill is in the hands of son-in-law Ricardo Brito Santos Pereira who seized on the energy option as a profitable way of using waste material.日常管理庞大的糖厂,是在政府手中的女婿布里托里卡多桑托斯佩雷拉谁抓住能源期权作为一门有利可图的方式,利用废旧材料。
"Bagasse provides clean, renewable energy and increased profit margins," he said. "蔗渣提供清洁,可再生能源和提高边际利润, "他说。
Brazil's energy crisis, caused by drought and dependence on hydroelectric power, not only prompted energy rationing but also diversification of power supplies.巴西的能源危机,造成干旱和依赖水力发电,不仅促使能源配给,而且多元化的电源供应器。
Ricardo's son, Eardo Junior, is studying a project to more than double to 75 MW the sale of electricity to the national grid.里卡多的儿子,爱德华多少年,目前正在研究一个项目,将增加一倍以上,至75兆瓦出售电力给国家电网。
Vale do Rosario currently proces 45 MW from bagasse, consuming 12 MW internally and selling the balance.对手罗萨里奥目前生产45兆瓦,从蔗渣,消耗的12兆瓦国内销售的平衡。
It is easily the biggest Brazilian sugar mill energy procer - the next being nearby Santa Elisa with 12 MW.这是很容易的最大巴西糖厂能源生产者-下一阶段正在附近的圣酶联免疫吸附试验以1 2万千瓦。
Eardo Junior, recently returned from university studies in the United States, is optimistic.爱德华多少年,最近返回,从进入大学就读,在美国,是乐观的。
"We have lots of surplus bagasse, power is in short supply and energy sales are potentially very profitable," he said. "我们有大量的盈余,蔗渣,权力是在供应短缺和能源销售,可能会非常有利可图的, "他说。
However, selling electricity also requires heavy infrastructure investment, notably in power transmission lines.然而,销售电力,也需要大量的基础设施投资,特别是在电力传输线路。
In a constant quest to innovate and cut costs, Vale do Rosario also processes surplus bagasse, smelling like chocolate, into cattle and fish feed.在不断追求创新,并降低成本,对手罗萨里奥也处理剩余的甘蔗渣,闻起来很像巧克力,成牛和鱼饲料。
It runs a so-called cattle "hotel" which can accommodate up to 5,000 cows and bullocks in outdoor paddocks for fattening ring the drier winter season from June to September.它违背了一个所谓的牛"酒店" ,可容纳5000头牛和bullocks在户外为车队维修育肥,在冬季干燥季节,从6月至9月。
Another way in which it cuts costs is by mixing waste water and stillage from the sugar proction process to proce fertilizer to spread on the cane fields.另一种方式,其中削减成本,是由混合废水及stillage从食糖生产过程中,以生产肥料,以散布于甘蔗等领域。
Imported fertilizer, one of the most expensive inputs in the cultivation of sugar cane, has become increasingly expensive following a sharp depreciation of Brazil's real currency against the dollar.进口肥料,其中最昂贵的投入,在种植甘蔗,已成为越来越昂贵以下急剧贬值巴西的实际货币对美元的汇率。
As part of efforts to clean up its act and gain carbon credits, Vale do Rosario developed a clean steam proction process by which the smoke is washed and the ash is filtered out into a black sludge which is compressed and used as a potash-rich fertilizer in the cane fields.作为努力的一部分,清理自己的行为并获取碳信贷,对手罗萨里奥制定了清洁生产蒸汽的过程,其中烟雾是洗涤和灰分是过滤出一个黑色污泥,这就是压缩和用来作为富钾复合肥在甘蔗领域的合作。
"It's a home invention," said Ricardo. "这是一个回家的发明,说: "里卡多。
It's also part of an environmental drive to obtain the International Standards Organization's green seal which would put a premium on Vale do Rosario's sugar and ethanol procts.这也是所组成的环保理念驱动下,以获得国际标准组织的绿色印章,其中将提出一个溢价的对手罗萨里奥的食糖和酒精产品。
Looking ahead, the family is steadily mechanizing sugar cane harvesting as a government ban on burning of sugar cane fields is phased in.展望未来,家庭是稳步机械化甘蔗的收获,作为一个政府禁止焚烧甘蔗领域的合作,是分阶段英寸
About 35 percent of the cane area is now machine harvested, compared with a state average of 25 percent, and the company aims to achieve 80 percent in the next few years.约有35 %的甘蔗面积,现在机器收割相比,一国平均的25 %左右,而该公司的目标是要达到80 % ,在未来数年内完成。 The remaining area is too hilly for machines.余下的面积是丘陵太机器。
"We're trying to find new jobs for the cane cutters," said Ricardo, adding that some would be trained as mechanics and drivers. "我们正试图找到新的工作,为甘蔗刀,说: "里卡多补充说,有些人会受训成为技工和司机。
Traditionally the fields are burned before harvesting to clear them of weeds and pests to make it easier and safer for farm laborers before they cut the fire-resistant cane.从传统领域被烧毁,然后采收,以明确他们的杂草和害虫,以使它能够更方便和更安全,为雇农之前,他们就打断了耐火甘蔗。
However the fires proce huge clouds of black smoke that pollutes the atmosphere.但是,火灾产生的巨大云层的黑烟,污染大气。
A row between cane procers and the state government delayed harvesting for several weeks this year.一排之间的甘蔗生产国和邦政府收获时间推迟数周,今年的。
Analysts say that Vale do Rosario is one of the most innovative and diversified sugar mills in Brazil.分析家说,对手罗萨里奥就是其中的最具创新和多样化的糖厂在巴西。
"Vale do Rosario is a large scale procer maximizing economies of scale," said sugar analyst Plinio Nastari. "的对手,罗萨里奥是一个大型的生产者最大限度地形成规模经济,说: "糖分析师plinio nastari 。
"It's also extremely energy efficient and achieves very high levels of sugar extraction," added Nastari, who is head of the Sao Paulo-based Datagro sugar consultancy. "这也是非常具能源效益和达到非常高的水平糖提取补充说: " nastari ,谁是主管圣保罗基于datagro糖顾问。
Ⅱ 中国与巴西之间贸易规模是怎样的
Ⅲ 一家巴西贸易公司,因在中国进口的产品增多,想在中国办一个分公司,具体步骤、费用跟税务怎么样的
Ⅳ 巴西有家ME 公司,大家知道他的详细资料谢谢
在巴西“ME”同时也是是公司的一种,叫做Miro Empresa,意思是微型公司 microcompany的意思。一般公司名字的最后会加一个 ME
Ⅳ 请问中国有哪些企业在巴西投资呀
Ⅵ 巴西贸易,选个贸易融资
如果你的买家资信很好,你可以试试找国际保理公司融资,,当然要找能接受巴西内买家的,据我所知容,有的国际保理公司只做西欧或北欧, 有的只做美国的,能做巴西的好像很少很少。听说普达通好像能做的国家比较多,建议你去问问。
Ⅶ 注册巴西公司有哪些资料和要求
(1) 申请表格(Capa de Processo),需管理人、股东(或股东代理)的有效签名。(Capa de Processo 可在商业登记处官网上下载);
(2) 公司章程(Contrato Social),需股东或其代理人签名,章程需要律师签字,小微企业(ME或者EPP)则无需律师签字;
(3) 管理人签署的管理人声明书;
(4)若申请表格、公司章程或管理人声明书是由代理人签署的,则需要提供授权书的正本或公证复印件(Cópia Autenticada),授权书中的签名需要签字公正(Reconhecer firma);
(5) 管理人以及申请表格签字人的身份证公证复印件(Cópia Autenticada);
(6)经核实的管理者身份证明复印件和Capa de Processo中签名者身份证明复印件;
(7) 企业注册信息表FCN(Ficha de Cadastro Nacional);
(10) 申请信息表(Documento Básico de Entrada),需有法人代表签名;
(11) 公司注册地址证明,可用房屋租赁合同以及房产税IPTU的付款单。如果公司经营范围内涉及到进出口或生产,申请地址需要是商业用地,而且相关部门可能会对注册地址的面积与经营范围是否符合进行审核。
Ⅷ 巴西圣保罗有哪些公司外贸
Ⅸ 巴西有哪些品牌表
Ⅹ 谁能告诉我巴西在华企业名录急需,谢谢
没有完整的统计,其中有的是透过地上转投资设立的。主要的有Embraer、WEG、Embraco(与雪花合资),也有只是设立采购办事处(Votorantim集团、Oderbrecht建筑集团和一些贸易商),还有律师楼(例如:诺劳亚、Casselli等)、银行(Itau BBA)设立的是代表办事处。