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⑷ 高分求国贸专业论文英文参考文献

1. Risk-Based Capital Standards and the Riskiness of Bank Portfolios: Credit and Factor Risks [5.317%]
Steven R. Grenadier & Brian J. Hall
1995 Downloadable (with restrictions)! Bank risk-based capital (RBC) standards require banks to hold differing amounts of capital for different classes of assets, based almost entirely on a credit risk criterion. The paper provides both a theoretical and empirical framework for evaluating such standards. A model outlining a pricing methodology for loans subject to default risk is presented. The model shows that the returns on such loans are affected by the complicated interaction of the likelihood of default, the consequences of default, term structure variables, and the pricing of factor risks in the economy. When we examine whether the risk weights accurately reflect bank asset risk, we find that the weights fail even in their limited goal of correctly quantifying credit risk. For example, our findings indicate that the RBC weights overpenalize home mortgages, which have an average credit loss of 13 basis points, relative to commercial and consumer loans. The RBC rules also contain a significant bias agains

2. Pricing Derivatives on Financial Securities Subject to Credit Risk [5.058%]
Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart M
Downloadable (with restrictions)! Author(s): Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart M. 1995 Abstract: This article provides a new methodology for pricing and hedging derivative securities involving credit risk. Two types of credit risks are considered. The first is where the asset underlying the derivative security may default. The second is where the writer of the derivative security may default. The authors apply the foreign currency analogy of R. Jarrow and S. Turnbull (1991) to decompose the dollar payoff from a risky security into a certain payoff and a 'spot exchange rate.' Arbitrage-free valuation techniques are then employed. This methodology can be applied to corporate debt and over the counter derivatives, such as swaps and caps. Copyright 1995 by American Finance Association.

3. The nature of credit risk in project finance [5.057%]
Marco Sorge
Downloadable ! Author(s): Marco Sorge. 2004 Abstract: In project finance, credit risk tends to be relatively high at project inception and to diminish over the life of the project. Hence, longer-maturity loans would be cheaper than shorter-term credits.

4. Valuation of Credit Risk in Agricultural Mortgages [5.056%]
Sherrick, Bruce J & Barry, Peter J & Ellinger, Paul N
2000 Downloadable (with restrictions)! A credit-risk valuation model is developed and empirically implemented to estimate the cost of loss distributions across a broad set of loan-level and pool-level characteristics is used to assess insuring against credit risks in pools of agricultural mortgage loans. Probabilistic information about insurance valuation and solvency likelihood. The effects on the value of credit-risk insurance of pool size, dectibles, timing alterations, premium loadings, adverse loan selection, and changing underwriting standards are also estimated. Results indicate that actuarial insurance costs are initially highly sensitive and then become relatively insensitive as pool size increases. Copyright 2000 by American Agricultural Economics Association

5. Could Regional and Cantonal Banks Rece Credit Risk through National Diversification? [5.055%]
Bertrand Rime
2007 Downloadable! This paper evaluates the rection of credit risk that can be achieved in Switzerland by a national diversification of bank lending. Using a credit risk model based on corporate default rates, I find that the risk of a nationally diversified loan portfolio is up to 20% smaller than the sum of the risks of regional portfolios. From a financial stability perspective, this substantial risk diversification potential should motivate particular scrutiny on the more than hundred Swiss banks staying on the regional business model.

6. The Credit Risk Transfer Market and Stability Implications for U.K. Financial Institutions [5.052%]
Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-Lau
Downloadable ! Author(s): Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-Lau. 2006 Abstract: The increasing ability to trade credit risk in financial markets has facilitated its dispersion across the financial and other sectors. However, specific risks attached to credit risk transfer (CRT) instruments in a market with still-limited liquidity means that its rapid expansion may actually pose problems for financial sector stability in the event of a major negative shock to credit markets. This paper attempts to quantify the exposure of major U.K. financial groups to credit derivatives, by applying a vector autoregression (VAR) model to publicly available market prices. Our results indicate that use of credit derivatives does not pose a substantial threat to financial sector stability in the United Kingdom. Exposures across major financial institutions appear sufficiently diversified to limit the impact of any shock to the market, while major insurance companies are largely exposed to the

7. Ratings versus equity-based credit risk modelling: an empirical analysis [5.052%]
Pamela Nickell & William Perraudin & Simone Varotto
Downloadable ! Author(s): Pamela Nickell & William Perraudin & Simone Varotto. Abstract: Banks have recently developed new techniques for gauging the credit risk associated with portfolios of illiquid, defaultable instruments. These techniques could revolutionise banks' management of credit risk and could in the longer term serve as a more risk-sensitive basis for calculating regulatory capital on banks' loan books than the current 8% capital charge. In this paper, examples are implemented of the two main types of credit risk model developed so far: ratings-based and equity-based approaches. Using price data on large eurobond portfolios, the paper assesses, on an out-of-sample basis, how well these models track the risks they claim to measure.

8. Comparing mortgage credit risk policies : an options-based approach [5.050%]
Buckley, Robert & Karaguishiyeva, Gulmira & Van Order, Robert & Vecvagare, Laura
Downloadable ! Author(s): Buckley, Robert & Karaguishiyeva, Gulmira & Van Order, Robert & Vecvagare, Laura. 2003 Abstract: Buckley, Karaguishiyeva,Van Order, and Vecvagare analyze the structure of approaches to mortgage credit risk that are now being used in a number of OECD and transition economies. The authors'basic approach is to show how option pricing models can help measure and evaluate the risks of various schemes. They find that mortgage default insurance can be a cost-effective tool for both improving housing affordability and efficiently addressing some of the rationing that characterizes this market. When correctly structured, as it is in a number of transition and market countries, this kind of program can be expected to rece nonprice rationing at an actuarially fair price. At the same time, considerable care must be exercised in the development of such instruments. Geographical risk diversification, particularly across borders, can play a major role in the success of these programs.

9. Quadratic Portfolio Credit Risk models with Shot-noise Effects [5.049%]
Gaspar, Raquel M. & Schmidt, Thorsten
2005 Downloadable!<BR> We propose a reced form model for default that allows us to derive closed-form solutions to all the key ingredients in credit risk modeling: risk-free bond prices, defaultable bond prices (with and without stochastic recovery) and probabilities of survival. We show that all these quantities can be represented in general exponential quadratic forms, despite the fact that the intensity is allowed to jump procing shot-noise effects. In addition, we show how to price defaultable digital puts, CDSs and options on defaultable bonds. Further on, we study a model for portfolio credit risk where we consider both firm specific and systematic risks. The model generalizes the attempt from Duffie and Garleanu (2001). We find that the model proces realistic default correlation and clustering of defaults. Then, we show how to price first-to-default swaps, CDOs, and draw the link to currently proposed credit indices.

10. Macro stress testing with a macroeconomic credit risk model for Finland [5.049%]
Virolainen , Kimmo
Downloadable ! Author(s): Virolainen , Kimmo. 2004 Abstract: In the discussion paper, we employ data on instry-specific corporate sector bankruptcies over the time period from 1986 to 2003 and estimate a macroeconomic credit risk model for the Finnish corporate sector. The sample period includes a severe recession with significantly higher-than-average default rates in the early 1990s. The results suggest a significant relationship between corporate sector default rates and key macroeconomic factors including GDP, interest rates and corporate indebtedness. The estimated model is employed to analyse corporate credit risks conditional on current macroeconomic conditions. Furthermore, the paper presents some examples of applying the model to macro stress testing, ie analysing the effects of various adverse macroeconomic events on the banks’ credit risks stemming from the corporate sector. The results of the stress tests suggest that Finnish corporate sector credit risks are fairly limited in the current macr

⑸ 高分求助,关于国际贸易的英文文献,在线急等

International Trade and Globalization

In today's world there are many issues in need of reformation, one of which is international trade, otherwise known as globalization. Although there are a great deal of rules, regulations, and policies imposed on international trade, the manner in which those rules have been enforced is a major controversy that seems to be escalating day by day.

At the center of the controversy is the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO was established in 1995 in order to transform the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) into an enforceable global commercial code. Critics of the WTO say that instead of being run democratically and in the interest of member countries, it has become the enforcer of corporate managed trade. A system whose ethics are not in favor of the public interest, instead the focus has shifted to large corporations and making money. Profit is the motivating factor behind decisions made by the WTO. By looking at international trade from the rational perspective, the WTO has not only failed to protect consumers, workers, and the environment, it has also acquired a number of opponents and protestors.

Recent issues concerning the WTO include President Clinton's signing of a bill, which grants permanent normal trade relations to China and virtually guarantees them membership into the WTO. Not concerned with China's communist regime that abuses its workers, supporters of the bill call it a "major victory for U.S. companies like Microsoft Corp. and Boeing Co., which hoped the deal would result in billions of dollars in new sales in the Chinese marketplace" (abcnews.go.com/wire/world/reuters). Once again they are demonstrating that the pursuit of wealth is it's number one goal and ignoring massive protests launched by American labor unions who argue that the pact could cost hundreds of thousands of American jobs e to an increase in Chinese imports and companies who may decide to relocate factories to China, where cheap labor can be utilized.

Another prominent issue concerning the WTO is organically proced foods, which have become a highly demanded proct in the last few years. Countries take part in distributing and manufacturing foods because it has led to an increased amount of trade (increasing exports and minimizing imports). The parties that have benefited most from organically proced foods are farmers and agricultural businesses in other countries. But a negative impact would be increased competition among businesses. This represents a rational point of view. Competitors are only concerned with their own wealth and distinction. The company and its well-being is their self interest. Their primary goal is success. Businesses expect other businesses, along with the customers, to show obedience.

Companies, indivials and countries alike all view the perspective of the rational dimension. The economy as a whole is rational. Groups such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) are using their hierarchy of power to benefit themselves. The WTO has enforced it's own laws on the opening of trade barriers. They made the decision that it's legal to import bovine somatotropin meat (organically proced meat) from the USA. As stated by Tom Wheeler in "The World is Not for Sale", a Panel of the WTO ultimately decides what's good for both the countries and the consumers of these proced foods. This provides no opportunity to consult or anyone's right to appeal. (www.altpr.org)

There is one farmer who disagreed with these actions. His name is Jose Bove. He is a farmer in France who led the revolt against McDonald's because they were serving organically proced meat. Bove represents the emotional dimension. He is concerned about the well-being of the consumers of their procts, as well as the animals being injected. He also shows compassion towards nature. Bove states that the danger of these genetically altered materials will have long-term lasting effects on the environment.

As managers, we should distinguish the rational perspective from the emotional perspective and incorporate them both into a positive solution to the conflict. It is important for us to achieve a balance between the monetary and humanitarian interests in this issue. Because rational views heavily outweigh emotional views wherever the WTO is involved, incorporating some compassion and surrender is the only way we can correct this unbalanced system. In order to minimize our opportunity costs, we must shift a bit away from wealth and distinction and towards cooperation and happiness.

As managers we need to change the way the World Trade Organization deals with the many issues concerning trade such as the problems for the farmers, like Jose Bove and the foreign trade impact on the American workforce. We can do so by establishing, joining, and supporting groups such as the Global Trade Watch, which is working hard to correct the errors being made by the WTO and by the international trade instry in general. We must try to enforce different laws for importing bovine somatotropin meat and reexamine international trade policies as a whole.

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What Is International Trade?

If you walk into a supermarket and are able to buy South American bananas, Brazilian coffee and a bottle of South African wine, you are experiencing the effects of international trade.

International trade allows us to expand our markets for both goods and services that otherwise may not have been available to us. It is the reason why you can pick between a Japanese, German and American car. As a result of international trade, the market contains greater competition and therefore more competitive prices, which bring a cheaper proct home to the consumer.

What Is International Trade?
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events. Political change in Asia, for example, could result in an increase in the cost of labor, thereby increasing the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker company based in Malaysia, which would then result in an increase in the price that you have to pay to buy the tennis shoes at your local mall. A decrease in the cost of labor, on the other hand, would result in you having to pay less for your new shoes.

Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countries. Almost every kind of proct can be found on the international market: food, clothes, spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, currencies and water. Services are also traded: tourism, banking, consulting and transportation. A proct that is sold to the global market is an export, and a proct that is bought from the global market is an import. Imports and exports are accounted for in a country's current account in the balance of payments. (For more on this, see the articles What Is The Balance Of Payments? and Understanding The Current Account In The Balance Of Payments.)

Increased Efficiency of Trading Globally
Global trade allows wealthy countries to use their resources - whether labor, technology or capital - more efficiently. Because countries are endowed with different assets and natural resources (land, labor, capital and technology), some countries may proce the same good more efficiently and therefore sell it more cheaply than other countries. If a country cannot efficiently proce an item, it can obtain the item by trading with another country that can. This is known as specialization in international trade.

Let's take a simple example. Country A and Country B both proce cotton sweaters and wine. Country A proces 10 sweaters and six bottles of wine a year while Country B proces six sweaters and 10 bottles of wine a year. Both can proce a total of 16 units. Country A, however, takes three hours to proce the 10 sweaters and two hours to proce the six bottles of wine (total of five hours). Country B, on the other hand, takes one hour to proce 10 sweaters and three hours to proce six bottles of wine (total of four hours).

But these two countries realize that they could proce more by focusing on those procts with which they have a comparative advantage. Country A then begins to proce only wine and Country B proces only cotton sweaters. Each country can now create a specialized output of 20 units per year and trade equal proportions of both procts. As such, each country now has access to 20 units of both procts.

We can see then that for both countries, the opportunity cost of procing both procts is greater than the cost of specializing. More specifically, for each country, the opportunity cost of procing 16 units of both sweaters and wine is 20 units of both procts (after trading). Specialization reces their opportunity cost and therefore maximizes their efficiency in acquiring the goods they need. With the greater supply, the price of each proct would decrease, thus giving an advantage to the end consumer as well.

Note that, in the example above, Country B could proce both wine and cotton more efficiently than Country A (less time). This is called an absolute advantage, and Country B may have it because of a higher level of technology. However, according to international trade theory, even if a country has an absolute advantage over another, it can still benefit from specialization. (For a review of some of these economic concepts, see the Economics Basics tutorial.)

Other Possible Benefits of Trading Globally
International trade not only results in increased efficiency but also allows countries to participate in a global economy, encouraging the opportunity of foreign direct investment (FDI), which is the amount of money that indivials invest into foreign companies and other assets. In theory, economies can therefore grow more efficiently and can more easily become competitive economic participants.

For the receiving government, FDI is a means by which foreign currency and expertise can enter the country. These raise employment levels and, theoretically, lead to a growth in the gross domestic proct. For the investor, FDI offers company expansion and growth, which means higher revenues.

Free Trade vs. Protectionism
As with other theories, there are opposing views. International trade has two contrasting views regarding the level of control placed on trade: free trade and protectionism. Free trade is the simpler of the two theories: a laissez-faire approach, with no restrictions on trade. The main idea is that supply and demand factors, operating on a global scale, will ensure that proction happens efficiently. Therefore, nothing needs to be done to protect or promote trade and growth because market forces will do so automatically.

In contrast, protectionism holds that regulation of international trade is important to ensure that markets function properly. Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly. Protectionism exists in many different forms, but the most common are tariffs, subsidies and quotas. These strategies attempt to correct any inefficiency in the international market.

As it opens up the opportunity for specialization and therefore more efficient use of resources, international trade has potential to maximize a country's capacity to proce and acquire goods. Opponents of global free trade have argued, however, that international trade still allows for inefficiencies that leave developing nations compromised. What is certain is that the global economy is in a state of continual change and, as it develops, so too must all of its participants.




贸易在全球范围和国家为消费者提供的机会接触到商品和服务不提供在自己的国家。几乎每一种产品可以在国际市场:食品,衣服,零件,石油,珠宝,葡萄酒,股票,货币和水。服务也是交易:旅游,金融,咨询和运输。产品销往全球市场的出口,和一种产品,是购买的全球市场是一个进口。进口和出口都是以一国的经常账户的国际收支。 (欲了解更多关于这个,请参阅文章什么是国际收支平衡?和了解目前帐户收支平衡。 )


让我们来一个简单的例子。 A国和乙国毛衣都生产棉花和葡萄酒。 A国生产10毛衣和六瓶葡萄酒,而乙国生产6毛衣和10瓶葡萄酒一年。既可以产生,共有16个单位。 A国,但是,需要3个小时生产10毛衣和两小时内产生的6瓶葡萄酒(共5个小时) 。 B国,另一方面,需要一小时生产10毛衣和三个小时的生产六瓶葡萄酒(共4个小时) 。

但是这两个国家认识到,他们可以生产更多的是侧重于这些产品,他们具有相对优势。 A国然后开始只生产葡萄酒和乙国只生产棉花毛衣。每个国家现在可以创建一个专门的产出20个单位,每年的贸易同等比例的两种产品。因此,每个国家现在已进入20个单位的这两种产品。


请注意,在上面的例子中,国家B可以同时生产葡萄酒和棉花比国家更有效的(更少的时间)。这就是所谓的绝对优势,乙国可能是因为较高的技术水平。然而,根据国际贸易理论,即使一个国家拥有绝对优势,另外,它仍然可以受益于专业化。(审查其中的一些经济概念,请参阅经济学基础知识教程。 )

国际贸易的结果,不仅提高了效率,而且也使国家参与全球经济,鼓励的机会,外国直接投资( FDI ) ,这是的金额,个人投资于外国公司和其他资产。从理论上讲,经济增长因此可以更有效,也更容易成为有竞争力的经济参与者。





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Probe into New Theory of International Trade Implications of China Foreign Trade Strategy
Growing scale of foreign trade in China today, in order to enhance China's international competitiveness, must pay attention to the international community 70 years after the 20th century Xingqi new theory of international trade, the implementation of the Duiwaimaoyi innovation strategy, create an international competitive advantage in the instry. This paper studies the contemporary new development of international trade theory enlightenment for the development of China's foreign trade, analysis of how China should formulate corresponding policies and take corresponding measures to promote the development of China's foreign trade.

First, the contemporary theory of international trade, new progress

After World War II with the scientific and technological progress and proctivity of the continuous development of international trade size, structure and regional distribution of goods, great changes have taken place. Theory of international trade economist and continuously explore the 20th century, has emerged since the 70's influential new theory of international trade, the following:

1, Strategic Trade Policy

Strategic trade policy arise from 7O 2O century since the "new trade protectionism," the prevalence of background, the U.S. economist Paul Krugman, who in the mid 8O 2O century, proposed, mainly including two aspects : (1) internal economies of scale-based theory of profit transfer; (2) based on external economies of scale external economic theory.

2, intra-instry trade theory

20th century 70s Grubel and Lloyd, who created the instry trade theory, to the early 20th century U.S. economist Paul Krugman of 80 to further promote the development of this theory. The theory is different from the focus on inter-instry trade paper the traditional trade theory, on behalf of my thesis research is focused on trade, both sides in the same instry, the export of procts they import the same heterogeneous instry trade. Not perfectly competitive instries, economies of scale and proct differentiation is the formation of intra-instry trade determinants.

3, the proct life cycle theory

Proct life cycle theory Sales Vernon by the United States first proposed in 1966 by Prince, He Xizhe and others improved. Proct life cycle theory, as technological innovation and diffusion, and biological procts, like life-cycle. Proct life cycle consists of five stages: (1) Neonatal; (2) growth stage; (3) maturity; (4) decline of sales; (5) for and on.

4, Competitive Advantage of Nations

Since the 80s of the 20th century, Harvard's Michael Porter and improve the Competitive Advantage of Nations. Competitive Advantage of Nations and the traditional theory of comparative advantage and factor endowments theory of difference is, the theory that a country has been able to flourish, and the fundamental reason is the country's international competitive advantage, this competitive advantage derived from a mutually reinforcing system, in this system, there are four key factors that affect a country in the international market, establish and maintain a competitive edge in the ability of these four factors are: (1) factors of proction; (2) domestic demand; (3) related instries ; (4) business strategy, organizational and competitive degree.

Second, the contemporary theory of international trade on China's foreign trade strategy for new inspiration

1, the positive transformation of the national competitive advantage

Comparative advantage in natural resources by a country and trading conditions determine the static strengths are the conditions for competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is a way to advantage the potential into real ability to effect the comprehensive results. Comparative advantage as a potential advantage, only the final into a competitive advantage, to form a real export competitiveness. According to the proction factor endowment, along with China's comparative advantage in labor resources, but in today's international market, the comparative advantage of labor-intensive procts do not necessarily have an international competitive advantage. To establish the comparative advantages into competitive advantages in foreign trade strategy.

2, high-tech instries vital to the development

By the international proct life cycle theory can be deced: Innovation is the international trade interests of the country's biggest winners. This is because: the proct of Neonatal and growth, innovation and technical superiority of its state monopoly of domestic and international markets, and thus get a lot of excess monopoly profits; in proct maturity into the so-called "mass proction" stage, innovation States can get huge economies of scale; in proct sales were down period and give and of innovation invest and build factories in foreign countries, the output of its intellectual property and brand to extend its proct life Zhou Qi, in the international market continue to make a profit.

3, the development of high-level intra-instry trade is to improve the competitiveness of an important means of foreign trade

With the international economic and trade development, intra-instry trade in all trading nations to bring trade interests,


⑽ 求国际贸易类 英文文献及翻译一篇,5000字左右

(一) 电子商务的内涵与特点1
(二) 电子商务对国际贸易的影响6
(二) 存在的问题12
(三) 中国对外贸易的重新定位15
(一) 电子商务在出口贸易中的效益体现17


摘 要
电子商务(Electronic Commence)是一种以电子数据交换EDI和Internet网上交易为主要内容的全新商务模式。其体现的开放性、全球性、地域性、低成本和高效率等内在特征,在符合商业经济内在要求的同时,还使其超越了作为一种新的贸易形式所具有的价值。它不仅改变了企业本身的生产、经营、管理,而且对传统的贸易方式带来冲击。其最明显的标志就是增加了贸易机会、降低贸易成本、提高贸易效益。在带动经济结构变革的同时,对整个现代经济生活产生了巨大而且深远的影响。
关键词 电子商务 数据交换 因特网 国际贸易
In the shifting to information economy, traditional commerce is out of the steps of time because of its lot shortcomings. As the direct result from the development of cyber internet technology, EC (Electronic Commerce) is the new direction of future business.
EC includes EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and business on web. It is a definitely new business model. Its inner nature such as global, regional, low cost and high efficiency make it more valuable than its virtual value as a new business model. At the same time, it is also accord with demands from business. EC not only changes procing, management, but impact on traditional commerce model. The most obvious symbol is increase business opportunities, decrease of trading cost, and getting more business profits. It leads profound affection to the whole economic life when it changes economic structure.
China wants to be a great developing trading nation. It is necessary to act activity. We need making strategy to face EC, to face the impact, the pressure and chances in order to control our foreign business policies.
Justify by us in order to follow EC steps in developing. That is the right way for us to challenge with other developed countries.

Key word Electronic Commerce Electronic Data Interchange Internet
International trading

中国的贸易必须在世界贸易从传统贸易向国际网络贸易转化中重新为自己定位,就是使中国贸易从传统贸易转化为网络贸易。为此,我们要积极推进中国贸易从传统贸易向国际网络贸易的革命性的转化,这一推进要通过市场与政府有效结合的方式来进行。值得指出的是,中国已经初步地“尝到了网络贸易的甜头”,1998年1~5月份,中国的出口本来应该受亚洲货币金融危机的影响而有较大幅度的下降,但是,1998年1~5月份中国的外贸进出口却保持着增长,据海关统计,1998年1~5月份,中国外贸进出口总值达1 236.9亿美元,比去年同期增长5.4%,其中出口711.1亿美元,增长8.6%,进口525.8%亿美元,增长1.5%,其中一个重要的决定因素就是,中国在1998年的春季广交会上,利用互联网向全球2 000多家外商发出了电子邮件,这使得在东南亚金融危机后的这次广交会的出席人数达6.5万人,为历年广交会人数最多的一次。在这次广交会上,中国同东南亚和韩国达成的交易额下降了60%,而同欧洲、美洲、中东、非洲的交易额则增长20%~30%。占中国出口四成的本次广交会出口成交额比上年增长10%以上。据海关统计,1998年1~4月份,中国对亚洲出口增长4.8%,对亚洲出口的比重比去年同期下降了4.6%,而对欧洲、美国、非洲、南美的出口却分别增长了29.6%、22.7%、33.9%、40.1%,它们占中国外贸出口的比重也有一定幅度的增加,很显然,中国外贸的这一变化是与对国际互联网电子邮件利用密切相关的。中国外经贸部宣布“中国商品市场”已于1998年7月8日正式进入因特网,它将成为目前因特网上最大的中国商品数据库,向外商展示中国商品信息,这为许多企业进入网络,提供了新机会。这一“中国商品市场”就利用网络发布信息这一形式而言,与中国已有的在网络上建立站点发布信息的企业一样。很明显,对于它们都有或将有从发布信息,深化到销售产品和以网络为基础的企业业务往来、企业间培训、客户培训、售后服务等商务活动的必要。这也是应该挖掘网络收益的一个取向,既要利用网络来捕捉更多的贸易机会,扩大市场的范围,又要通过网络来使得比较优势和竞争优势升级。另外,一定要注意网络安全问题。还有,也是至关重要的,中国应对网络贸易立法,且对已存在的对外贸易法进行修改。有理由相信,随着中国外贸逐步地从传统贸易转化为网络贸易,中国网络贸易的发展必然使中国的贸易呈现出一种新的局面.

With economic development and the progress of the times, people of the original concept of marriage constantly being challenged, while the concept of legal system is further strengthened. Due to various reasons, divorce cases each year are on the rise, the husband and wife in a divorce case and deal with common property that has become increasingly difficult, reflected by the status of more and more important, it has a bearing on social stability and unity, and economic construction can proceed smoothly. Debt Settlement of joint processing and housing is dealt with divorce, division of property compared the two main issues, the 2001 Marriage Law, promulgated and implemented the new sound of the old Marriage Law of the many deficiencies, but its institutional division of property in a divorce there are still some shortcomings. Therefore, the perfect family property system and properly handle the divorce, division of matrimonial property has strong practical significance.



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