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发布时间:2021-02-21 02:23:25


幼稚产业保护理论是美国经济学家A.汉密尔顿(Hlexander Hemilton 1757-1804)提出的,一种对某些产业采取过渡性的保护、扶植措施的理论,是国际贸易中贸易保护主义的基本理论。


要素禀赋理论(Factor Endowent Theory),又称要素比例说 (Essential Factor Proportion Theory),简称赫-俄原理(H-O Theory),是瑞典经济学家赫克歇尔(E.F.Heckscher,1879—1959年)和俄林(Beifil Goffhand Ohlin,1899—1979年)的学说。要素禀赋论有广义、狭义之分,广义的要素禀赋说,是指除生产要素供给比例说之外,还包括要素价格均等化的


② 主要的国际贸易理论有哪些


③ 《国际贸易理论(第三版)》这门课程第八章的知识点有哪些


④ 国际贸易的有哪十大理论



⑤ 《国际贸易理论(第三版)》这门课程第五章的知识点有哪些


⑥ 国际贸易理论与商务的重点是什么

1、What is economic integration? 什么是经济一体化?
It involves agreements among countries to establish links through the movements of goods, services, and factors of proction across borders
Level of economic integration经济一体化的层次
The free trade area 自由贸易区
The customers union 关税同盟
The common market 共同市场
The economic union 竞技联盟
2、Free Trade Area 自由贸易区
The free trade area is the least restrictive and loosest form of economic integration among countries 自由贸易区是较为松散、岁成员约束力最小的一体化组织。
All barriers to trade among member countries are removed
No discriminatory taxes, quotas, tariffs, or other trade barriers are allowed
Sometimes a free trade area is formed only for certain classes of goods and services
Each member is free to set any tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions that it chooses on trade with countries outside the free trade area
3、Custom Union 关税同盟
The customs union is one step further along the spectrum of economic integration.
Members of a customs union dismantle barriers to trade in goods and services among themselves关税同盟的成员国取消了各成员国之间的商品和服务贸易壁垒
Customs Union establishes a common trade policy with respect to nonmembers(e.g., a common external tariff)关税同盟好需要建立与非成员国之间的共同贸易政策。
4、The Common Market共同市场
Factors of proction, including labor, capital, and technology are freely mobile among members 共同市场还允许生产要素在各成员国之间的自由流动,这些生产要素包括劳动力、资本和技术
The restrictions on immigration, emigration, and cross-border investment are abolished.
Members of a common market must be prepared to cooperate closely in monetary, fiscal, and employment policies 各成员国必须准备随时在货币、财政和就业政策方面惊醒紧密的合作
5、The Economic Union 经济联盟
It requires integration of economic policies in addition to the free movement of goods, services and factors of proction across borders.
Members would harmonize monetary policies, taxation, and government spending
A common currency would be used by all members 要求过成员国采用统一的货币

1、International and Domestic Research 国际市场调研
New parameters in international business environment 国际商务环境仲的新参数
Duties 关税
Foreign currencies 国外的资本
Different modes of transportation 不同的运输方式
International documentation 国际单证
Differing modes of operating internationally 国际化经营的不同模式
New environmental factors 新的环境要素
The culture of the host country 东道国的文化
Political systems and level of stability 政治体系及其稳定性
Legal issues 法律事项
Technological level 技术层次
Broader definition of competition 竞争定义的广泛性
2、The major reasons for reluctant to engage in international research
Lack of sensitivity to differences in culture and customer needs
A limited appreciation for the different environments abroad 对国外不同环境认识的有限性
Lack of familiarity with national and international data sources and inability to use
Use business experience in a country as a substitute for organized research
3、Identifying Sources of Data 确定数据来源
Macro data 宏观数据
Tariff information 关税信息
Host country export/import data 东道国进出口数据
Nontariff measures 非关税措施
Foreign export/import data 国外进出口数据
Data on government trade policy 有关政府贸易政策的资料
Micro data 微观数据
Local laws and regulations 当地的法律和规定
Size of market 市场规模
Local standards and specifications 当地的标准规范
Distribution system 分销体系
Competitive activity 竞争性活动
Secondary data 二手数据
That is information already has been collected by some other organization such as governments, international institutions, service organizations, trade associations, directories and electronic information services

Selection of secondary data 二手数据挑选
Quality of source 信息来源的质量
Recency 时效性
Relevance to the task at hand 相关性
Interpretation and analysis of secondary data对二手数据的解释和分析
It can be used only as proxy information只能作为中间信息
A consistency check must be concted 对一致性进行监督
The results should be cross-checked 结果必须被核对
4、Three Mechanisms for Building an Information System 建立信息系统是三种机制
Environmental scanning activities provide continues information on political, social, and economic affairs internationally, on changes of attitudes of public institutions and private citizens and on possible upcoming alterations.
Delphi studies are a means for aggregating the judgments of a number of experts who cannot come together physically. This type of research clearly aims at qualitative measures by seeking a consensus from those who know rather than average responses from many people with only limited knowledge
Scenario building 脚本设计

1、Motivations to Go Abroad 关于动机的探讨

Proactive Motivation 主动性动机
Profit advantage 利润优势
Unique procts 独特的商品
Technological advantage 技术优势
Exclusive information 专有信息
Managerial commitment 管理的投入
Tax benefit 税务的优惠
Economies of scale 规模经济
Reactive Motivation 反应性动机(被动性动机)
Competitive pressures 竞争压力
Overproction 生产过度
Declining domestic sales 国内销售量下降
Excess capacity 生产能力过剩
Saturated domestic markets 国内市场饱和
Proximity to customers and ports 接近消费者和港口
2、Alternative Entry Strategies 国际市场的进入战略
Import and Export 进口和出口
Licensing 许可经营
FDI 特许加盟
Management Contract 管理合同(经营合同)
Turnkey Operations 交钥匙工程

⑦ 简述四个传统的国际贸易理论的主要内容

可见:主权国家之间的经济交往所引发的问题构成了国际贸易理论乃至国际经济学研究的主体。对于国际贸易理论而言,贯穿这一主体的是三个重要问题:贸易所得(gains from trade)、贸易模式(pattern of trade)、贸易保护主义(protectionism)。

⑧ 《国际贸易理论(第三版)》这门课程第二章的知识点有哪些




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